𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

Start from the beginning

"I was double-checking," she defended, raising her hands to her face and curiously sniffing the foot cotton tightly wrapped around them. Everyone watched her in confusion. She furrowed her brows, then nodded. "Wow, Pope. What soap do you use?"

The boy shook his head at her irrelevant question, and pulled out his binoculars. It took everything  JJ and Tatum had in them to not joke about him owning a pair of them. Whenever he took them out at school, they'd call him Dora the Explorer for at least a week.

Going back to the plan, John B shook his head at Kiara's earlier statement. "I don't think we got that far."

"They're loading up the gold," said Pope, peering through his binoculars. Kie turned to Tatum with a sharp look before she even considered laughing.

John B snatched the tech off him and looked through for himself, more desperate for this gold than any of them. "There's Ward."

Tatum took out one gun, ready. Faster than she took it out, Kiara took it off her. "No more murder."

"I prefer to call it justice."

Before an argument could start between JJ and Tatum vs Pope and Kiara, their other friend slowly took down the binoculars, causing everyone to turn to him with worry.

"What?" asked Kie.

But he only kept staring into the distance.

"What?" she repeated, snappy now. When she got worried, she got angry. Like she was an actual mom.

"It's Sarah," whispered John B.

Everyone's mouth dropped. Their eyes widened. All scared for the girl. But all Tatum could think about was how she was gonna shoot and kill Ward while his daughter was there.

The group waited a few more moments, JJ and Tate growing border by the second, while John B watched his girlfriend through Pope's legendary binoculars.

Sensing the girl's energy dropping, Kie wrapped her arms around Tatum from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder, as they waited for their next set of orders. But it was so hard for the Quinn girl - she was a lot of things, but patient was definitely not one of them. She couldn't handle the suspense at all. Fidgeting and bouncing on her legs, she turned to Kiara with a bored look. "One more minute," the girl assured her softly.

"Waitaminute," said John B, too fast and too quiet for anyone to understand him. But they could tell by the look on his face something was wrong. He was alarmed. "He's hurting her," he said in panic.

Everyone turned to him with a lot of 'What's. Tatum and JJ shared a dark look, knowing exactly how the blonde girl felt. "I'm going to get more guns," she announced, turning back to the van, because there was absolutely no way she was letting Ward Cameron live. He murdered her best friend's father, sending John B spiralling into a year full of depression, and now he was hurting his daughter. That bitch was gonna die.

"Tate, no -" John B grabbed her arm before she could go any further. As much as he wanted to see Ward dead, and as much as he knew his sister was an excellent shot, he knew her killing another person this month would legally make her a serial killer. And probably send her into a breakdown, which he still didn't know how to properly deal with yet. Since Thomas died, Pope had been using all his free time to research how to help her when she got like that, but it was hard because they didn't know which disorder she had. So, until they were 100% certain they could help her, the pouges had to try and avoid letting her around death and deadly weapons.

"But -"

"I'll handle it," he told her honestly, gently letting go of her wrist with a nod. "Stay here, all right?"

But before she had time to answer, he was jumping into the van and locking the doors. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Wait, so is she - what? I had no -" JJ cut himself off and turned around as the Twinkie's engine roared.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Pope called out to John B, pulling Tatum back before she got herself ran over.

"John B. Where are you going?" asked Kie.

Then all four of them began shouting and telling him to stop. If it was true - if Ward really did kill his dad and that other guy searching for the merchant - then he wouldn't hesitate before putting a bullet through the teenager's head too. And then he would have a higher kill count than Tatum, and she didn't think that was very fair.

However, their friend ignored all their shouts and rammed the van through the fence, the only thing on his mind being to rescue the kook princess he fell in love with.

Tatum was the first to chase after him, JJ swiftly following behind her. Of course, the 'sensible' two of the group had to go after them incase they also did something stupid, which was usually the case. But before they had the chance, sirens began to go off near them.

"Guys, I can't get arrested," Pope told them.

"We're all on probation," JJ agreed, gesturing between him and the girls. After the boy punched an officer and Kie took the blame for Tate's fire, the two of them were arrested and had three months of probation to complete. And Tatum herself, of course, was on probation until Friday's trial, where she would be sentenced for murder.

"I don't give a fuck about probation," she said with a shrug, pulling out another gun from her pants.

Kiara shook her head and held her girlfriend back before she took off running and landed herself in even more trouble. "Look, we're no good if we're all in jail."

"I'm gonna be there after tomorrow anyway," shrugged Tatum again, still wanting to protect John B and Sarah.

As if it knew everything was about to go to shit, Kiara's phone pinged. She looked down at it, then stared up at her girl with sad eyes. "Thomas' ashes are ready."

And that was the only thing that could've possibly convinced Tatum Quinn to escape the scene.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now