"Your welcome! You don't have to thank me to intensely!" Sapnap laughed, Dream jumped up and down while giggling "I've been wanting an island here for so looong! You don't know how happy I am about this!" Sapnap blushed softly and said "Your welcome" Then kissed Dreams cheek gently, Dream shivered softly, gasping softly, Sapnap pulled away and muttered a soft "Sorry" Dream giggled "Your lips are warm" While he put his thumb on Sapnap's lips, Sapnap blushed and said "Thank you... Your lips are pretty soft if i'm honest, Feels like a flower is kissing me..." Sapnap laughed softly and Dream smiled, a soft Blush spreading across dreams cheeks, Sapnap blushed too and then said "Your freckles look beautiful when you blushing, not like there not pretty all the time, they just, it looks like cinnamon on your cheeks" While he put his hand on Dreams cheek, Then he stroked Dreams cheek with his thumb, Dream smiled and looked away "t-Thank you..." Sapnap looked around and said "You should go back, or do you wanna make something else that you needed me for?" Dream smiled and said "I wanna make more things!" Then pulled sapnap to other areas.

After a long day of helping Dream, and flirting with the boy, they both settled in Dreams tree house. sapnap and Dream cuddled while They practiced with each other, like how they merged there magic before. "I've always wondered what would happen when You kiss another god that your not compatible with..." Sapnap muttered, Dream looked up at sapnap and said "You wanna try?" Sapnap blushed hard and then said "A-Are you fine with that?" Dream nodded while smiling. "I- Are you sure?" Sapnap asked, not like he didn't wanna push Dream against the wall and Make out with the boy but, It was so sudden, like what he had said, well, not it wasn't, they where talking about kisses. Sapnap leaned in slowly, Dream doing the same, Then there lips touched softly, Dream felt passion go threw his body, Then he pulled sapnap closer making the kiss deeper, Sapnap Pulled Dream up and let his hand wonder.

Dream pulled away slowly, Sapnap looked deeply in Dreams eyes, Dream muttered a soft "Your eyes... They're so beautiful..." Sapnap smiled "I can say the same about your eyes, there like a green forest, in the middle of that forest is a flower Field with a brown swing" Sapnap said, Then leaned in closer, Dream blushed and he said "Your eyes are a warm fire, One to sit by when your cold, And want warmth..." while leaning in, There hot breath hitting the others "Your lips really are soft, I wanna kiss them more..." Sapnap said, Dream but his lip and muttered a "P-please..." Then They kissed another time, This kiss having passion, Love, need, Dream just loved this, He found it amazing, Sapnap loved feeling up dream as well, Sapnap slipped his tongue into Dreams mouth, Dream moaned gently and let sapnap explore his mouth.

once they stopped kissing they where still close Together, There foreheads touching as they panted, Sapnap pulled Dream closer by his thighs, Dream bit his lip at that, Sapnap chuckled "You like me touching your thighs, huh?" Dream blushed and muttered "Yes... I Know it sounds weird..." Sapnap shook his head "Don't worry about it love, I love your thighs as much as you love me touching them" Dream blushed harder and looked away. "I'm gonna have to go... My mom may get suspicious..." Sapnap muttered, Dream nodded and then nuzzled his face into Sapnap's neck, Sapnap giggled softly and then picked Dream up and set him back down "Can I have a quick kiss darling?" Sapnap asked, Dream nodded and kissed Sapnap and then said "Bye bubs... I love you..." Sapnap smiled "I love you more" then kissed Dreams forehead, Then he floated out.

Dream blushed and smiled "Idiot...".


"Yes mother? Did you need something?" Sapnap asked, he had been seeing Dream for a few weeks now, And sol, his mother, had asked for him. "Yes I did need you, I've heard you've been seeing puffy's son, Clay is his name right?" Sol asked, She was standing on the balcony, Sapnap blushed, He had hoped the soul wouldn't have said anything "i... Yes, mother, I have, Why do you ask?" Sapnap said, He felt nervous now, he knew His mother may have never approved of it, But he still said it. Sol sighed softly and said "Does he make you happy?" While looking over her shoulder, Sapnap nodded "Do you see yourself with him for the rest of your life?" Sapnap nodded. Sol smiled and said "I approve then" Sapnap perked up, Then he smiled "R-Really?!" Sol nodded and smiled "when do you wanna marry him then? How long have the two of you dated now?" Sapnap paused and said "A few weeks now..." Sol nodded and then said "I'll talk to puffy about the two of you getting married" Sapnap jumped up and down and said "Thank you! I'm so happy you approve!" Sol smiled "I'm glad your happy, How about you go and tell your future husband that, Oh! and my end of the deal would like some grand kids" Sapnap blushed and said "M-mother!" Sol laughed as sapnap flew off.

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