Pancakes ☀️

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that one comment of someone saying "Sapnap saw this man shirtless, in the middle of the night, making pancakes"

Sapnap was exhausted form the day, It being The day George came to Florida, and then doing things all day. But he still woke up in the middle of the night, oddly hungry, He smelt pancakes...

"eh, fuck it, it's probably Clay" Sapnap said to himself, Getting out of bed and going to his door, Looking outside the door, Seeing if George was up as well. He heard snoring from his room, oddly loud for his door being closed. Sapnap walked out as he wondered if the louder the snoring, The deeper the sleep...

Sapnap Walked into the kitchen, Seeing The curly haired 6 foot man, Shirtless like the last time. He smiled softly then walked in and muttered "Hey" Dream turned away from the food he was making and smiled "Hey, food wake you up?" Sapnap snickered and said "I do love pancakes" Dream chuckled  "George snores so ungodly loud my god" Dream calmed as he playfully cried. "Oh you poor soul, Your even right next to him" Sapnap said, Dream huffed sadly, Then he turned around and asked "Want some pancakes?" Sapnap nodded and muttered "2 please" Dream nodded.

They continued talking a little, Dream finishing sapnap's and then making his own, allowing them to cool down. "You think I can flip it? Do you think I can?" Dream said, extremely excited to do it, Sapnap laughed happily and said "Yeah, I think you can!".

Dream turned to the side and Put his free hand up, him looking like he was about to spare someone. Sapnap giggled softly, then dream flipped it and made it, He looked at sapnap and held the free and up and said "I did it!" Sapnap burst out laughing, Putting his head down laughing, Dream started to laugh with him, He continued to snicker as he finished making his second pancake.

"that was so fucking dumb but adorable at the same time" Sapnap laughed, Dream blushed, his face almost completely red. Dream turned off the stove and then Got sapnap his plate and himself one. "syrup?" Dream asked, sapnap nodded, dream got it and happily danced back, Sapnap laughed at him. They began eating and Dream muttered a "How are you handling this? Know you were tired after today" Sapnap's looked up at him and nodded,  muttering a "Yeah, m' okay" Then he asked "You?" Dream smiled and said "ecstatic".

Sapnap giggled softly. Dream finished his food and asked "How do you feel about us..?" Sapnap looked up and muttered "Don't know" Dream nodded his head in a way that said he understood. Then he said "Do you wanna tell George?" Sapnap paused and said "No, Not yet at least" Dream nodded, Turned back round, Putting his plate in the sink the said "you know your a bad liar, right?" As he got in a casual pose, leaning on the counter.

Sapnap blushed looking away, taking another bite. Dream snickered and whispered "Come on babe, you can talk to me" Sapnap's ears started to burn and he muttered "Stop it dude" Dream laughed and said "How are you gonna call me 'dude' when I've fucked you" Sapnap laughed with him and said "I've fucked you too!" The both continued to laugh, Then they calmed down, Sapnap finished and then muttered "I'm just worried..." Dream looked up, saying "About...?" Sapnap sighed and said "Well, everything's changed, it's not just me and you anymore..." Dream smiled, his eyebrows arching as he said "Your worried that we won't have our moments anymore huh?" Sapnap nodded "Plus, I wanna hide it from George".

Dream snickered and said "I don't think George owns a black light so I think we're good on that end" Sapnap laughed and let his head fall forward, saying "Shut the hell up..." Dream laughed and then added "But I don't mind cuddling you to sleep or sneaking you into my room during the day, If George every goes out and about we would have the house all to ourselves for a little" Sapnap nodded, Getting up from his seat. "Not to mention right now" Dream added as he walked over to sapnap, Happily wrapping his arms around Sapnap, Sapnap smiled and said "Well, that makes me feel better" Dream smiled and said "That's my job~" Then kissed his forehead.

"Why can't you kiss my lips?" Sapnap asked, Dream laughed and Leaned down, Kissing him. Sapnap's kissed him back and then said "Alright... I Love you clay" Dream snickered and said "Love you more Nicky" Sapnap blushed and said "Call me that again and I'll cut your dick off" Dreams face went white as he said "Yes sir..!" Sapnap laughed and kissed dream again.

"I'ma head to bed, wanna join?" Sapnap said, Dream snickered and said "well... Since you asked..." as he walked with Sapnap, Sapnap laughed and opened the door Dream following close behind.

Ah yes
I'm back
How is everyone?
You eat? Drink water? Sleep?
Good good, Better have 🤠

Ya boy gonna head out
Gonna make some more smut for y'all 😒
Since i've been gone y'all probably need a fix 🤠

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