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Summer of [insert year here that I'm too lazy to calculate]

Up in the tree house sat 6 year old Derek and 5 year old Meredith, playing with Derek's toy cars.

"And the great car racer, Derek Shepherd is in the lead." The little boy said, moving the car through the air making car noises with his mouth.

"Dewek! Cars don't go thwought the aiw!" Giggled the blonde little girl, Meredith. Her wheeling her car of the floor of the treehouse.

"I say it does, so it does!" Derek laughed, moving some of his brown curly hair out of his eyes.

"Suweeeee." She giggled. "But it's not wight."

"You said butt." Laughter erupted from both of them.

"Derek, Meredith! Time for lunch!"

"Come on." The little boy said, grabbing her arm leading her down the latter of the old tree house.

"Hey mama." Derek gretted his mother when they walked into the kitchen. Dereks hand still in Merediths.

"Hi Ms Shephewd." Meredith said shyly to the older lady.

Carolyn Shepherd chuckled at the little girls speech,  not being able to pronounce her r's or certain words. It was adorable.

"Hi kiddos, Meredith would you like a meat and cheese sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" She asked Meredith.

"Um can I get a jelly wich?"

"Of course dear! And Derek, ham and cheese sandwich?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, you guys pick out a bag of chips and sit at the table."

"Ok!" The two kids ran to the dining room.


They slowed down and walked the rest of the way to the dining room. Carolyn Shepherd shook her head and got out the ingredients to make lunch.

"What kind of chips do you want?" Derek asked Meredith as they walked over to the pantry.

"Um red."

"They are call Doritos idiot." Derek laughed as he grabbed 2 bags of Doritos, one for her and one for him.

"Your the idiot." Meredith stuck her tongue out at Derek, causing him to stick his tongue out at her too.

"Girls!" Carolyn raised her voice, walking into the dining room with two plates of sandwiches.

"Hey! I'm not a girl!" Derek pouted as he climbed onto a chair at the table.

"Well you were arguing like a girl."

He muttered under his breath.

"Derek Christopher Shepherd! Do not back talk to me or Meredith goes and you get sent up to your room."

"Okay mama I'm sorry." He apologized and looked down in embarrassment.

"Ok jelly sandwich for you and ham with cheese for you. And of course juice boxes." She placed the plates and juice in front of each of them.

"Derek, I love you. You didn't do anything wrong, just be nicer with your words."

"Ok mama. Love you too." Carolyn kissed his forehead and ruffled up his hair.

Carolyn looked over at her sons best friend, she was inhaling her sandwich.

"Um Meredith, is the sandwich good?" She chuckled.

The 5 year old shook her head yes, grape jelly dripping down her chin.

"Would you like a napkin?"

Meredith nodded again. "I'll be right back with some napkins."

Derek picked up his sandwich and took a bit while Meredith was on her last bite.

"Ok Meredith. Let me get you all cleaned up." Carolyn said as she walked into the dining room with some baby wipes.

Carolyn opened up the package and wiped Merediths face gently, getting all the jelly off of her chin and around her mouth. She then took a dry tissue and wiped her face dry. Finally she took another wet wipe and wiped Merediths hands off.

"Derek, you about done? We have to go and get Kathleen from nanas house and Nancy from Samantha's house . But first we need to get you cleaned up."

"But mama,I am clean." He said.

"Your face may be clean but you need to wash your hands. So finish your food then you and Meredith are going to wash your hands."


Derek ate his last bite of lunch and they two kids climbed down from their chairs. The two of them walked into the bathroom. The young kids stepped onto the step stool in front of the bathroom sink so that they could reach the faucet.

"Make sure to use soap and water!" called out Carolyn from the kitchen.

Once the kids were done washing their hands properly, the pair headed into the dining room where Carolyn was wiping down the table.

"Okay kiddos, get your shoes on." She throw the dispoable wet wipe away and walked the kids to the door. She slipped on some sandles on while Meredith and Derek sat on the floor, putting their shoes on. Once they were all set with their shoes, they headed out to the old Grey mini van.

Meredith and Derek got settled in the back seat.

"All buckled?" Carolyn asked, as she buckled herself.

"Yes." Both of them answered at the same time. "Okay, lets get this party started." Starting the van, and backing out of the driveway.

"Meredith, we are going to pick up the girls then maybe you and Derek can play for a little bit longer. Ill have you home before dinner, like your dad asked."

"Otay. tfanks for hawing me." Meredith was disapointed that she had to go home but atleast she got to hangout today. Her mother rarely lets her over to the Shepherds house and she doesn't know why but she knows better then to ask.

Her daddy on the other hand, he let her go over there. He also made her breakfast and tucked her in to bed at night. They have dance party's and fashion shows. They make cookies and sing when her mommy is at work. She loved her daddy a lot more then her mommy but she couldn't have her knowing that. Mainly because she was scared of her but also because she didn't want to hurt her feelings.

-998 words-


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