Chapter 2: When Frost Meets Snow

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Jack's Point of View (P.O.V)

First day of school. Just thawrrific. I'm literally jumping for joy right now. (Sarcasm intended).

The only bright side of it is that I get to meet up with my buddies again. Other than that, it's just the same Every. Single. Year.

"How's your summer? Still forever alone?" asked my best friend, Hiccup as we were grabbing some books from our lockers.

"You know me, Hicc."

"Well, as your best friend and loyal companion, I would be honored to seek out the perfect maiden for the most popular guy in Enchantia High."

I laughed sarcastically.

"No offense, you aren't really a top notch matchmaker around these parts."

"Maybe, but there's no harm in trying right?" he answered.

"Hey guys, what are ye' up to?" A familiar voice carrying a thick Scottish accent called out from behind us.

I spun around quickly, and of course, it was none other than the tomboy-ish, fiery-red headed Merida.

"Oh hey Merida!" I greeted her cheerfully. "So..... Hicc here is trying desperately to get me a date."

"Is he..... alright up here?" questioned Merida while putting a finger up to her head.

"How bout one of them?" said Hiccup while pointing towards a group of girls who were gazing dreamily at me.

"Uhh..... no thanks." I rejected quickly. "I don't wanna be smothered by fan girls, if you know what I mean."

"Her?" he gestured towards another gothic- looking girl with raven hair that was tied up into a loose, messy bun.

"You've gotta be kidding me Haddock. For your information, she's already taken. Besides, she isn't quite my type."

"Are you always this picky Frost? Well.... how ab--" suggested Hiccup as the school doors flew open.......

.....And the surrounding atmosphere had a sudden drop in temperature.


Elsa's Point of View (P.O.V)

I took my first steps in the hallways of my new school. So this is Enchantia High. So far so good.

However, I soon realized that every single eye in the hallway was slowly traveling towards me.

Oh great, they're judging me to see which clan I would fit in at school....

The Popular group? The Jocks? The Girly-girls? Or the Nerds? I don't think so.

Hey, is there an empty space available at the 'The Loners With Unpredictable Powers' group?

I'd fit in perfectly...

I tried to keep my powers under control as much as possible, but I couldn't help a few of the teeny tiny snowflakes that were tagging along with me wherever I went.

"Whoa..... that girl's smokin'...." I heard a guy whisper to his friend nearby.

"She seems kinda cold, dude." came the reply.

I let out an annoyed sigh. Typical guys.

As we moved further down the hallway, a girl with wild, red hair walked over to Anna and me.

"Hey Anna! How ye been doin'?" She greeted her cheerfully with a somewhat thick Scottish accent.

"Hi Merida! It's great to see you again!" Anna waved back, beaming with an ear to ear smile.

"So who's the new lass?" asked the girl.

"Oh! I almost forgot! This is my sis, Elsa." Anna introduced.

The girl grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously. Wow, she had a pretty strong grip.

"Pleasure to meet ye. I'm Merida DunBroch".

"Elsa Arendelle Wynters." I flashed a quick smile at her.


Came a muffled vibrating sound from within Anna's bag that interrupted our conversation.

"Oh jeez.....where'd I put that darn thing again......" Anna uttered in frustration, before rummaging through her bag for some time.

"AHA! Found it!" She announced in relief, before lifting her smartphone to her ear.

I couldn't help but to listen to her conversation, and NO, I'm not a busybody, it's because Anna always switches her phone to speaker mode when taking a simple call.

"Anna, WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU?!" I heard the person on the other side yell with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Cindy and I totally need your help washing all these dinglehoppers for today's baking class!".

"Sorry Ariel! I'll be right over!" responded Anna. "Uhh.... Meri, do you mind escorting Elsa to the principal's office? 'Cos I really gotta go now!"

"Aye, no problem." replied Merida, while Anna dashed off to her class hastily.

As the two of us continued our way down the hallway, I happened to turn to my left, and I noticed this guy who was staring right at me.

By the looks of how he was being targeted at by many girls, and the way he was dressed, I assumed that he was either a member of the popular clan, or maybe the jocks.

I guess he knew I caught him fixing his gaze at me, because he looked away a split second later, his face blushing crimson red.

"Umm...Meri, who's that?' I tilted my head slightly towards him.

"Ohhhhh..... I think Jack might have a thing for ye!" teased Merida.


Jack's Point of View (P.O.V)

I didn't even realize that my eyes were following her every direction the entire time. Her beauty... Stop it Frost! You sound exactly like a stalker!

I felt my cheeks burning up as she looked back at me with those deep blue eyes of hers that sparkled just like freshly fallen snow.

She's looking back! What do I do?! What do I do?!

Pull yourself together! What happened to that cool and suave attitude you always had?!

Feeling extremely embarrassed for being caught red handed, I instantly broke the eye contact, only for her to leave with Merida.

"Wow. For the first time in forever, I saw the great Jackson Overland Frost blush." sniggered Hiccup with an evil grin on his face.

"Shut it, Haddock." I hissed before freezing his mouth shut with a layer of frost.

Author's Note

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :) Feel free to give your thoughts & opinions whenever possible.

As always, thanks for reading! :)


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