Colette's Scrapbook

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This is a scrapbook I made based on Colette for fun to keep my account active when I don't have any ideas for stories

I was inspired by luckychaan77_ 's  "The scrapbook of Colette". Book.

I recommend checking luckychaan77_ out!


The story is all told by Colette's POV!

Dear Scrapbook,

Today I had a great day at work! I woke up at a reasonable time and I took a cup of coffee and then wen out the door! I met up with Edgar and we talked a bit.

Edgar is not the most positive or expressive person I met, but I am 100% sure he has some good inside of him! I just need to keep trying!

I saw spike and Piper on the way back to my dorm room after work and I dropped everything and asked them to sign my scrapbook! They are amazing people and I love them both so much! But Edgar seems a little jealous when I talk to Spike, but it's not like he is jealous for me over a cactus right?  I'm just a airheaded crazy bundle of fangirling! So there's no way he would be attracted to me,


Welp, Im gonna stop writing  here for now, signing out!

                                       - Colette

Hello scrapbook! It's been about a few days now and I have a lot of great news for you!

For starters, my college is in summer so there's no class for a while! Even more news, I was able to have some tea with Piper and other brawlers! I almost fainted the moment Piper offered me tea! And to top it all off,  Edgar asked if I wanted to hang out after work at the Barley's Bar!

It sounds a lot like a date but he strictly said we were just friends but I have a feeling something is up...

Welp, that's a question for another time, I'm going to Barley's Bar, Goodbye Scrapbook!


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