Chapter 23: The 5 Stages Of Grief

Start from the beginning

It should've been me

She should be here right now

I should've taken the bullet not her

She should be alive

~Few days later~

Stage 4: depression

*knock knock*

The door opens, and someone enters, I don't know who and I don't care.

"I got you some food," I heard wanda say.

"I'm not hungry," I simply reply, my accent still extremely strong for some reason.

"Peitro you need to eat, she made you promise to take care of yourself remember?" She told me, "your rooms a mess, you need to clean it."


"C'mon pietro, go take a shower and freshen up, I'll do your room," She simply said.


"Get. Up."

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Go take a shower," She said.

I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, and change into some clean pair of clothes.

When I go out I see my room clean, and a tray of food placed on the bed, but I'm not hungry so I put the tray outside tge for and close it.

As I sit back on my bed, I get lost I'm a world of thoughts, and I slowly drift into a dream full sleep, one that is full with memories of Astrid.

Only to be waken up because of her death memory.

~3 weeks later~

I haven't came out of my room, scince Astrid died, everyone tried to get me out but they couldn't.

But for some reason I felt like I needed to go to her room, it was like something told me too.

So I did.

Looking around her room only brought more memories, when a shiny thing from under the bed got my attention.

When I picked it up it looked like a head mask sort of thing.

It reminded me of Peter's, but it was black, and the white eyes were surrounded by golden streaks.

When I look inside them, I see some glasses similar to Tony's Friday glasses.

So I decide to put them on.

'Verifing person.......person verified.... welcome Peitro Maximoff.'

I hear an AI say.

"Hello?" I reply.

"Hello Peitro, My name is Eleanor and Astrid left me for you, she also told told to play you this video for when she's gone," Eleanor said..

"Hey papa! If you're seeing this right now it means that I'm probably gone, but dont be sad papa! Indeed these glasses some time ago, and the suit as well, I'm leaving you the glasses for you now, and yes Tony knows that I made them similar to his so you don't need to explain, you might be asking how I know that I'll be gone, remember my memory powers, well apparently they don't only work on the past, they work on the future too, I saw my death moment, so that why I need you too follow my instructions very well, first thing, start moving to the window...... are you there? Okay now open it and you'll see a tree branch pathway sort of thing, I need you to step on it and follow the there? Well papa, this is the tree house, where I spent most of my time with Peter, when ever you miss me sit there, the only other person that knows this place is Tomy as he built it, see the couch there I need you to get a box from under it, got it? Okay Now if you open it you'll see alot of money, okay and a debit card, I need you to go to the bank and add this money to it, please don't use any of it unless it's an emergency, this is Peter and I's Bank account, we've been running a babysitting agency for quite some time now, let's say we probably have around $1,369,876,430 dollars, alot I know, I guess hard work really does pay off, anyways, Lastly, I need to tell you too things, one, I made some glasses like these for wanda as well, and two, go to my room and remove my Island painting you'll find a button, press it and it will open a passage way to every single place in this compound, cool, I know, unfortunately i have to go know, but remember that I love you papa, with all my heart, and please take care of yourself, this is not a good bye tho, you never know what the future holds, This is just an until we meet again, I love you papa, so, so much," She said, and the video ended.

I quickly wipe the tears that fell, and smile.

"I love you too princessca," I whisper.

"Hey Eleanor?" I ask.

"Yes Peitro?"

"Could I switch your voice with Astrid's?"

"She though you'd like to do that, so she told me to update when you ask," El replied.

"Hey papa, this is an update, now, I'll be your AI, instead if El," Astrids voice rang through the glasses. "Would you like to watch the footage, if when Astrid use sro use the suit?"

"You can do that?"


"Okay, so this is test drive number one, first I'd like-" and I spent the rest of the day, watching funny footage of Astrid trying the suit and on the small missions she used to do.

Stage 5: Acceptance...

A/N Hello hello, so whatcha think? Honestly I'm running out of






'Till next time my nuggets ~Leena

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