Chapter 23: The 5 Stages Of Grief

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Pietro's P.O.V

I look around and more people start Turing into dust.

"no... No.... NO....NO! SHE CANT BE DEAD SHE CAN'T!" I start as wanda rushes next to me.

"Pietro? W-where's Tri?"

"She was so young," I said, as wanda catches on what I say, and silent tears start running down her cheeks.

Stage 1: Denial

We're on the quinjet with anyone who didn't turn to dust.

Me, wanda, Nat, Steve, Bruce, thor, and a racoon thing.

"She can't, she can't, She Can't Be dead!" I keep mumble yelling to my self.

I look at my hands and they have blood on them, Astrid's blood....

Then, I something else catches my eye.

Something Shiny.

A ring....

Astrid's ring...

It has the word:


Carved on it.

I clutch it tight, and get up as we have landed.

I go to my room, and take a quick shower.

Then, I head to her room, I look around, and it's it's exactly how we left it this morning, Peter's webs still on the wall, before he left, and went I have no idea where, Astrid's clothes everywhere.

I quickly wipe my tears and decid ero go for a walk.

And i ended up at a park.

And I see the same ice cream truck, that Astrid and I came to before.

'2 vanilla scoops with M&M's and 2 pieces of KitKat sticking out of it'

Her voice echos through my head.

"Hello what can I get you?" Asks tge worker.

"Can iplease have 2 vanilla scoops with M&M's and 2 pieces of KitKat sticking out of it?" I ask and the worker smiles and nods.


"Two, two ice creams..."

"Okay? Two icecreams of 2 vanilla scoops with M&M's and 2 pieces of KitKat sticking out of it, anything else?" She asks and I shake my head 'no'.

She hands me the uce cream and I pay walking back to the compound, eating them both.

~2 weeks later~

Now, Anger starts building up inside of me, and I head to the gym, bunching the hell out of a punching bag.

Stage 2: Anger

I hear a ship land, and I couldn't care less.

After sometime, of hearing muffled bickering voices I decide to go downstairs.

I walk and sit down on the couch, not daring to look at anyone, and just stare straight ahead.

"What's wrong with him?" I hear a voice that could only belong to one person, stark.

"He lost Astrid, dosent talk since then, only to wanda, and once to Nat," someone answerd.

"I should've taken those bullets, not her," I said, my voice cracking and my accent stronger than ever.

Stage 3: bargaining

"She shouldn't have died, she's too young,"

I get up and leave not baring sitting in the room any longer.

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