Part 7 : Something Is Broken

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'Patut Single' sticker yg Bal selalu letak everytime dia tak tahu nak reply apa dekat text Akim. She laughed either way.

'Eleh aku single ada crush, kau single takde kan crush' he replied. Her jaw dropped. Earlier, they were exchanging pictures with exes, and laughing towards each others idiocy during their dating time. 

'So he has a crush?-' Bal laughed to herself, what a joke aisyah balqis, you got played again.

'Kau senyap, hormat orang takde crush,' Bal replied, there s a laughing emoji dekat hujung ayat. If only he knew how she reacted on it. 'Tau tak sapa crush aku,' asked him.

'Ha siapa,' macam biasa, Bal was acting cool, as if nothing affect her.But her reply this time quite taking times.

'Ex aku le,' he replied. Bal laughed. Feeling like a fool mixing with anger. She could hear something are breaking inside eventho Bal tgh gelak sekarang. 'Heh, aku dah move on,' she replied. Shutting her phone down and just stop looking at her phone.

Jam dah pukul 5, means she could go out from the office freely. "I'm fine," said her.

Balqis said she was fine, but guess who rode the bike with 100km/ph and nearly had an accident while crying, - her.

Feels like a fool for catching feeling too fast, and it seems like Balqis blaming herself for letting herself hurt again.

"I'm the one who is at the fault for catching feelings too fast, im the one who let myself  hurt again and again, I'm sorry," Tears are streaming down under the helmet.

"I'm sorry for keep falling for the wrong people,"

"I'm at the fault for misunderstanding his kindness,"

She feels sorry for herself. She doesnt know what she did, and all she knows is she doesnt wanna get hurt. She already got the deepest wound, and another wounds, so is she deserve to get another one?

"Mintak maaf, I really don't wanna hurt you, but I already did," said Balqis to herself, "I'm taking the blame, so you no need to feel guilty," she added.

"I shouldn't fall so fast,"

That said, she did the same thing when arrived at home. Crying all an hour in the shower and trying to forgive herself. Surprisingly, Bal masih nangis bila dah keluar shower.

You got yourself broken hearted huh? So what you gonna do now?  Balqis curled up on her bed, feeling like a fool but feeling like wants to vent her anger out.

Another part of her feel sad but another big part who feels like a fool now rasa macam nak meletup.

Mentang mentang Bal baik, kau taking advantages macam kim@k. Kau la Bal bodo percaya senang sangat.

And another one feels so suci, that one who wants to take it easy but also like - Bal, takpelah benda dah jadi, lepasni kita jangan layan sangatlah. Salah kita ni, takpe take it easy.

Bal ended up crying until she heard her phone ringing, checking her notification, "Oh-" Ada notification dari Akim.

'makan dah ke' he asked, 'asal' Bal replied with a question. 'jom cari dinner malam ni,lapar,' said him.

'on,' she replied, Bal rasa mungkin sebab dia tak makan lagi, tu yang emosi lebih lebih. so they went searching for food together.

"mana," soal Balqis, her eyes on Akim yang khusyuk drive Kancil Turbo. "Fammart jela," said him and Bal nodded. The same response she always gives.

Fast forward, they both beratur dekat line oden. But pakcik depan diorg literally bought every single oden yg ada, "Bapak borong semua," that voice of Akim from the back, buat Bal toleh ke belakang.

He was bending his body to reach her ear, "Tu ah tu," Bal replied. Ada je saki baki pakcik tu tak beli, tapi maybe sebab he thought Akim and Bal whispering things about him, dia balun skali saki baki.

"Jom bet harga total semua berapa," said Bal, turning her face to Akim. Akim usya lama dekat makanan pakcik tu, "110," said him.

"90," Bal pulak teka. They both watching over the counter to the point that looks suspicious, "YES," Akim ketawa, yeah the oden total semua around 108 so he hs the nearest bet.

They both giggling over the small thing sampai la akak oden family mart tegur nak oden apa.

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