Chapter 27: Wither Not My Friend

Start from the beginning

"Lady Yae it's not like that-"

"I never said that is the case despite my own intuition clinging to that idea."

"What do you mean?"

"You two undoubtedly produce the idea that something more is happening. Whether that is true or not doesn't matter. What does matter is who is capable of seeing that."

Aether sighed

He had become so careless of Inazuma's roles and hierarchy, inevitably skipping the basic rules of engagement and formalities even. The very conduct that Inazumans most present themselves in. By Aether and Ayaka conversing in such a way, they ignored that conduct infront of a well respected Inazuman official.

Such things call roles of power and the whole clan even, into question if such lack of conduct is presented to the wrong person.

"I mean to formally apologize for a lack in formality on both my end and Lady Ayaka's, though I am the only one to blame."

Yae dismissed with a hand wave

"I have no interest in always maintaining formalities. They can be a real bother if I'm honest. I was only stating so to simply warn you two. I'm sure you're aware of the... unpleasant... possibilities of being caught of acting in misconduct."

He nodded his head.

"Good...keep that in mind when engaging with each other. Some officials, unlike me, will seize that opportunity to turn life into a living Nightmare."

He bowed his head

"Thank you, Lady Miko for being so forgiving."

"I should be the one thanking you, afterall..."

He raised an eyebrow

"...I'll explain more once we reach the shrine."





Aether's been up to the Grand Narukami Shrine on more than one account, but each time it had the same bewildering effect.

The place was so beautiful and carried a feeling of complete serenity. It was hard not to feel the sacramental atmosphere. It was almost holy in not a religious way, but most certainly a heightened sense of enlightenment. (Think of it like the Coliseum is to Rome or as the Effiel Tower is to France. Or as  Big Ben to England, and Lady Liberty to the U.S) As Bonfires are to the world of darkened souls. Or as demons are to Jekkad

The shrine was an icon to Inazuma and its past, it's very presence illuminating that feeling of history to Aether himself.

He know not of Inazuma's past, but the Great Sakura tree and briefly allowed an atmosphere that vividly gave him sense of what happened. More so the great importance and magnitude of the historic events that took place in Inazuma, not the particular details of the events themselves.

It was always breath taking and awning.

Yet in all this feeling, Aether still couldn't help but feel anything other than peace and happiness. The surroundings of Shrine buildings, Sakura trees, ponds, and vegetation made Aether develop a liking to the place. It established an iconic Inazuman look that he would always find a fondness of.

Clearly his breath taking response wasn't restrained well either.

Lady Yae smiled at the man, anticipating such reaction. She knew he'd been here before, but many people share the same expression he does now.

With and Without You (AetherxAyaka) Where stories live. Discover now