"Huh." Both Orions said as they researched what he meant.

 Tais VO returns over clips of the mini series. "Based on the Stephen King book of the same name, It is another one of those films that loves to succumb to the melodramatic clichés that always seems to make it into every one of his stories. But what really surprises me is how many people say they're actually AFRAID of this movie, and that's why I've invented this drinking game to calm your nerves." Cuts back to the main desk as he holds up a whiskey bottle. "There's a lot of movie to watch, and a lot of booze to drink, so let's take a look."

"Dude, if anything, that should be me doing the drinking game, you can't hold your own after 6 swigs man," Qrow said to Tai.

Tai grumbles as he gets his shot ready. 

  "First of all, take a shot if your Arthur Watts story takes place in Maine." Then the caption of MAINE is seen. Then it cuts back to Tai powering himself a shot. "Well, that didnt take to long." Before he downs it.

The audience chuckled at that.

"Well, it's simple preference or bias," Ozpin concluded

"Having a preference isn't all that bad." Peach said

Both Qrow and Tai and even a few took a shot.

The movie is seen playing as Tais Vo plays "Yeah, our story takes place in Maine, where everybody has a checkered past, bullies make up most of the population, and cheesy lightning effects reign supreme." A clip of the cheesy lightning effect is shown.

"The story good tho." Stella said

The Halloween god shivered "Until what the girl did with the boys in that sewer."

Stella, confused, promptly checked the internet and as she did so, all the color on her, went out of the window

Helix checked and also, lost color once he looked at it.

It shows a little girl playing as she is SO DEAD. " In this particular town, we come across a girl who sees a rather unusual sight." Soon Tim curry is seen in his clown role of pennywise as he smiles looking friendly and not murdery at all. "HI!" the little girl giggles as Tais voice over returns. "Tim Curry! And if that's not scary enough, it looks like he's coming from the black mass of Ronald McDonald." Camera closeup on the girl as if Pennywise is approaching her before fading to black

The audience became interested in the story and whatever NC has to say[9:20 AM] AirsoftAl01:

The scene returns as police are combing the area and the only black man is seen looking at it. 

"So the kid gets murdered, as Mike -- the only black man in Maine -- notices that this is the sixth recent child killing. So he calls up his old childhood friends to let them know what's going on. He starts with Bill, who grew up into the back of a horse's ass." Bill picks up the phone as Mike's voice is heard on the other end. 

"This is Mike Hanlon, Bill, from Derry." Then it does an extreme close up as it shows the character having a flashback. "This causes him to have a flashback, which I'm not gonna have you drink to every time it happens, because if you did, you'd be dead in the first 12 minutes." Tai comments

Qrow is seen stopping as he was about to take a shot. ".....What?"

"There's a lot of flashbacks in this one, the movies fixed that one though." Stella said

"And by lot, think of the Dust in those stores you have." Helix said, providing an example for them.

The audience now understood and were surprised by this. 

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