My Fav Tropes

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My friend, The Amazing Addi wanted to know what my favorite tropes are in literature/media, so here they are!

#1 Enemies to Lovers

Yes, yes, I am well aware of the fact that it is one of the most cliché and overused tropes out there. I suppose "Enemies to Besties" would also fit under this, and I honestly enjoy it far more than Enemies to Lovers.

#2 The Chosen One

While I'd agree that it is extremely easy to turn a Chosen One into a complete Mary Sue, when done right it is one of my favorite. There's just something about it being that one kid, the unlikely, unpopular, unknown kid becoming the hero. Especially if they remain widely unknown in their world.

Three of my favourite Chosen Ones are Belgarion (The Belgariad), Harry Potter (Harry Potter), and Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson). Each of them goes through their own struggles and hardships, and each has their own exciting journey. I have to say, out of the 3 my favourite is Garion.

#3 Slow Burn

I can feel everyone who knows me offline dying a bit more inside right now. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a well-developed relationship. A healthy one (as if I know what that is).

I prefer a slow-burn friendship to romantic relationship, since I'm actually not really into romance (I can hear K-Quora laughing. No, really).

I think I'll end it here. I actually can't name too many tropes off the top of my head, though I like a lot. Honestly, I just like well-written literature.

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Until we meet again, fare thee well, Wanderer.

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