Chapter 2 - You're hot and you're cold

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Av laughs, "are you like waiting for a moment to happen between us like on that movie Ghost? You know with the pottery wheel? Dell loves that movie. I've heard many the beginning of many renditions of how her and my brother attempt to make one of those moments... but preg testing cows hasn't been one of them. And believe me if they can;t make it happen, there's no chance for me. Although, if you're dead keen I'll have a hit out."

"I've never seen Ghost, what happens?" I ask stalling the oncoming sensation I'm sure that no guy apart from a vet wants to remember. I can't help but smile when Av goes beet red. I have seen it, well that part anyway, I just didn't think Av would ever say anything like that. I have to ask her. My minds made up.

She mumbles something about an octopus and then raises her now fierce eyes to mine. "Do it."

It's hot, not the cow testing but the way she feels she can boss me around.

"Now." She commands.

My stomach turns as I sink my hand in what feels like a tunnel surrounded by... I'm not sure how to describe it. But it's not nice.  The cow tenses up around my hand and goes to move forward.

 "Yay, you're in baby," Av grins, cheeky bugger. "Keep it there, she's cool."

"Right, now remember what I talked about when I did it?" Not really, I was in lala land listening to her voice, staring at her eyes and face and half not believing this is what she associated with Banana Mooves. "You kind of have to push downward with your hand and search around for something that feels like a rope or mega sausage. Keep moving down when you've found that."

Harry chuckles, although, apparently this morning the results haven't been too promising. I actually find this stuff really interesting and not something I've ever thought about before. The amount of feed it takes to keep cattle in a healthy breeding state, how economically it's not viable to keep a cow that doesn't fall pregnant. I asked what if it's the bull? I nearly fell over when Av talked about the prices charged for some bulls. Hell! Harry is selling his bull and getting a new one. All the empty ones will get a second chance. Normally, they wouldn't.

"I umm, err... okay. I'm at a bit that kind of feels like the turkey necks Jarrod feeds his dogs," I swallow uneasily.

"Thats the ticket, now put your hand around it and kind of lift it up a bit," she watches very intensely as I do it. It feels really weird, but interest has now taken over the grossness factor. Av tells me she does this the most at home, most places have to get a vet out with a ultrasound thing but due to their isolated position, they learn to do it themselves. "Right, just to get a feel kind of..." she does a  movement with her hand. "You won't be able to tell if it's weighty  or not this time so move your hand downward some more to it kind of spreads out."

I nod, a werid sound emantates from my throat as I push further in, finally feeling a water balloon like thing. Av rewards me with a smile that makes me want to preg test all the cows, how she does that is crazy. 

"First thing you've got to do now is to rub your hands over the horn and see if you can find bumps over it. " She waits. They all wait. 

I think I feel them. Using the other hand I gesture, "Are they about this big?"

Av smiles and claps, "Yup. Next thing is you just kind of play with it, bump it around and see if you can feel anything but fluid. She may be too early but just check."

I move my hand as Av shows me and feel fluid and a tiny... thing. "I felt a bump," I look up at her. I'm kind of in wonder. It must show.

"It's cool isn't it? You're almost touching a baby in a cow's bum," she winks at me with a grin.

"Don't dampen the thrillof it for him, Av," Harry deadpans.

"Is she pregnant?" Suddenly, I feel as though I have a vested interest in this cow now. I want it to be pregnant.

"Give me a go, I'll check," I pull my arm out, immediately and very ginger like pulling off the glove. Av throws on a new glove and without hesitation slips her arm in. After about thirty seconds she smiles, slipping her hand out to point at me while grinning at Harry and Flea "I give you our fertitily charm gentleman."

She turns those wicked blues on me, "you have to go around now and kiss all the remaining girls on the nose."


Harry and Flea join in the pestering.

"Avalon," I warn her. I stand there and allow the deathly cold face to slide across my features.

The three of them don't react to my warning.

"It's an aussie tradition," she shoos me, bloody tiny terror. "You'll be saving the farm."

I tilt my head on the side and give her my best as if gaze. There's over one hundred head left to do. This must be a joke. Av stares back at me. I can't believe how beautiful she is.

Fricken putty.

"Grrrrr. One, I'll do one. If..." I finally sigh just to shut them up. I'm not used to giving in, it feels strange. "If you go out with me tonight, Av." There's no way I'm not making this girl mine officially. I smile at her nod adn the thought that this little tyrant will be in life pulling the rug out from under me feet for good. I just hope I can keep my more dark side in check.

I look around for a quiet looking one, deciding on prettybig one that looks really docile in the other crush. I hestitate while it swings it's massive head to me, it's eyes watching my approach. I start laughing and look skyward, I risk a glance back at Avalon who has her arms wrapped around her waist, mine instantly want to take thier place. I scratch the back of my head and think, who cares if its a joke? May as well get in on it.

 I cross my arms over my chest like you see priests do and say out loud "Be pregnant my child." Holding on to the warm steel of the crush I bend down and bestow the beast with a kiss.

Still laughing I turn Avalon with a I'm being crazy for you, you better like it face.

Instead of her gazing at me with that hot little grin, I'm rewarded with the view of the three amigoes pissing themselves laughing. On the ground. About five minutes later, Flea croaks out four little words.

"That was the bull."

A/N the end of chapter 2

Poor Noah, he's going to ask Av out for real.

I hope he can cope... with Avalon,

with Nathan,

with himself

and with her friendship with Seth... if he will talk to her again.

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