♡ babysitter ♡ (masc) ♡

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"Manny is already asleep, Greg's bedtime is 8:00-dont let him stay up any longer he has school tomorrow-I left some cash on the table in case you guys wanna call in a pizza or anything..." Mrs. Heffley was spouting some last minute comments before both parents left. "Is that it?"

"Yes honey I'm sure Y/n has all the details-"

"Oh and Rodrick is probably going to spend the night at a freinds after his gig tonight-I'm sure he'll be tired," she added, cutting off her husband. "If he does come home it'll be late so-"

"Alright well we're going to be late if we don't get-a-moving," Mr. Heffley cut in.

"Alright well thanks again for babysitting for us sweetie," she gave you a quick hug, "I'm sure you'll be responsible. They're easy kids," she gave a warm smile and a quick goodbye before leaving out the door. You turned around to face Greg who was standing behind you.

"Geez does she ever stop?" You let out a sigh with a giggle.

"You're telling me," the boy replied. "I'll be in my room. I have some business to attend to," he said, waltzing upstairs. What an odd kid.

You made your way to the kitchen, opening the fridge and pantry. You grabbed some chips before walking to the couch, planning to watch some T.V. You passed by the counter with the money and the pizza place number.


"Yeah can I get a large pepperoni with extra cheese?" You held your phone up with one hand, flipping through channels on T.V. with the remote in the other. "Sure...For delivery yes...20 minutes? Alright thank you!" You flipped your phone closed before going back to mindlessly channel surfing. You glanced over at the end of the couch, where Ms. Heffley had laid out a pillow and some blankets for you. You were going to sleep on the couch of course.

You shifted uncomfortably on the couch in your jeans. You did bring some pajamas to change into, but was it too early? Screw it. You grabbed your bag and fetched your pj's which consisted of some fluffy comfy shorts and a tank top; quickly changing in the bathroom. Feeling more relaxed, you sat back down on the couch getting comfortable and snuggling up with some of the blankets. You were just starting to get comfy when you heard the door bell ring.

"Hold on!" You shouted after a small groan. You tossed off the blankets and placed your feet on the soft carpet, sinking into the floor. You heard the knock again, and finally stood up, passing by the counter to grab the money left by Ms. Heffley, and walking to the door.

"Dang you guys are fast..." You shoved the money towards the pizza guy, "You can keep the-" you looked up from the fist of money you held to see that the boy standing in front of you wasn't carrying a pizza. "Hey uh I think you forgot the actual pizza dude," you cocked an eyebrow.

"What? What are you doing in my house?" He looked equally as confused as you did, wondering why a cute boy was standing in the doorway to his living room.

"Huh? Oh wait! You must be the brother. Ro-dick? Raw-dick?" You stumbled trying to remember his name.

"It's Rodrick," he replied, "Are you robbing the place or something?"

"I'm babysitting," you giggled at his foolishness. "And I ordered pizza. Which I guess hasn't arrived yet..." You mumbled, peering over his shoulder to see if the pizza had arrived. "Sorry," you moved out of the way, letting him pass through. He cleared his throat, a blush growing on his face as he walked in.

"I take it you're spending the night?" He asked, setting his stuff down on the counter before going to the fridge.

"Uh yeah. I'm sleeping on the couch," you pointed. You took this moment to look over the teen, finding his messy attire quite alluring. He almost seemed flustered. You glanced down at yourself, remembering that you weren't even really dressed.

"Oh nice..." He refrained from making eye contact, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a soda. He cracked it open, pulling off the tab and shoving it in his pocket.

"Oh you collect those too?" You asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"What? Oh yeah," he smiled, looking off to the side before taking a sip. "I wanna save them up and glue them onto my drum set-I dunno I thought it would look cool," he explained. Now that he faced you, you could really make out his face. Damn he was cute.

"Oh you play drums?" You asked.

"Yeah. I play in a band. We're pretty good," he leaned back on the counter confidently. But you could see right through him.

"Yeah that's what your mom was saying...I mean that's why you couldn't babysit tonight?" You leaned against one of the chairs at the dining table.

"Oh yeah. Duh," he hit his head, maybe a bit too hard. He laughed awkwardly. "Ow." You smiled in amusement. "Um I'm gonna head upstairs, to my room, upstairs, cuz that's where my room is..uh-I'm gonna go-" his face grew redder as he spoke. He was adorable.

"Oh you sure? I got a pizza coming remember," you tossed your head to the side, biting your lip cutely, playing into the boy's obvious embarrassment.

"Oh yeah, but I-I'm beat," he shrugged, "played a good show tonight, got real sweaty-" he was walking upstairs, nearly tripping on some of the steps. Something about seeing him in such distress was entertaining. It made you want to push his buttons more.

"Okay...I'll wait for it with you then!" You skipped up the stairs ahead of him, and he no doubt got a nice view of your ass.

"Ok um, what's your name again?" He asked once the boy of you made it to the top.

"Oh right. I'm Y/n," you smiled. He smiled, then gulped cutely.

"Well it's nice to meet you Y/n."

♡ Rodrick Heffley x Reader One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now