♡ graffiti ♡ (masc) ♡

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You crossed your arms, letting out a quiet huff to yourself as you watched Rodrick and his friends snickering to themselves. It was late. Too late to be out. The night was quiet, apart from the boys, and the sound of spray cans rattling. You tapped your foot, nervously looking around to make sure no one was watching you guys.

"This is stupid Rodrick. Not only are we sneaking out, but also spray painting buildings? Do you know what could happen if we get caught?" You expressed, shifting in your spot.

"Yes, I know," he replied, exasperatedly. "You've told us a million times since we picked you up," he said, popping off the lid of the spray can. You rolled your eyes, watching as he painted his stupid band name on the side of the building. His friends followed his lead, spreading out and painting various crude things on the walls. Rodrick stepped back and admired his work. You grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"Rodrick can we please get out of here?" You whispered, "I mean I-I'm a straight A student. I'm trying to get a scholarship right now. I have a lot riding on this if I get arrested," you explained.

"Y/n, don't worry. We've done this a million times and never got caught," he reassured smugly, "For the most part." He shrugged. That didn't exactly help with your confidence.

"Well could you at least stop being a dick? You've been rude to me all night," you said, crossing your arms again and shooting him a disappointed look.

"Well if you'd stop being a party pooper maybe I'd lighten up too," he challenged, gesturing with the spray can. Your mouth fell open.

"Yeah screw me for being worried right?" You replied sarcastically. You scoffed. "You know what? I'll walk home. We can talk later," you added, turning around and putting up your hood. Rodrick called after you as you walked away, but you ignored him and kept walking. You hated how he got around his friends. He was a good guy, but a dumb insecure boy too. You continued to mutter to yourself.

"Why do I always have to be the bad guy? Just because I want us to be safe? He's such a dick sometimes...I should tell him something. You know what. Yeah. Yeah. Y/n, today is the day you out your foot down!" You talked yourself up, turning around with your finger raised. "You know what Rodrick? You-" you stopped when you saw flashing red and blue lights going in their direction. You glanced from the lights to where the boys were standing. The building shielded them from seeing the lights themselves. You ran towards the oblivious teens, shouting to try and warn them.

"I don't know man, maybe add some more veins?" The boys were talking and painting still when they heard your voice. Rodrick turned around with a confused look on his face.

"The cops you bitch! Run!" You shouted. They dropped their spray cans, and sprinted towards his van. You opened the door, jumping in and slamming the door while the other three boys piled into the back. Rodrick slammed the gas, running over the the curb before peeling out of the parking lot. The boys in the back went flying.

"What did I tell you?" You shouted over the sirens, grabbing onto the grab handle.

"I'm sorry!" He replied, frantically. "I know! You were right!"

"Wait really?" You asked.

"Yeah! Really! I've been a real ass lately and I just want to say I'm sorry!" He said, quickly turning a corner. You nearly flew to the side, slightly bumping into Rodrick.

You stayed quiet, looking back to see the police still following you guys. You sat back in your seat, now starting to panic.

"We're going to jail!" You swayed in the seat, burring your face in your knees as you curled up. Meanwhile the boys in the back were bumping around and struggling to not bump into each other.

"No we won't," Rodrick replied.

"Look Rodrick! They're on our tail! We're so getting arrested...My mom is gonna kill me," you held your face. Rodrick was quiet, a concentrated look on his face.

"I've got an idea," he said, gripping the wheel tighter. You froze.

"Rodrick what are you thinking," you asked, sitting up in your seat and watching as he turned into a narrow road. He was silent in the midst of the chaos, and eventually pulled over, hiding the van behind a large bush. He turned to you, taking your hands in his.

"I'll take the blame," he told you, looking into your eyes.

"What?" You replied, taken aback.

"This is all my fault. I mean. C'mon Y/n, this isn't my first time getting in trouble like this," he said, looking off to the side. "I don't want to ruin your chances of getting into a good college, and becoming a doctor and all that junk."

The sirens got louder, and you ducked out of the ways of the flashing lights as they pulled up to the van.

"Step out of the vehicle with your hands up!" You heard the police say. Rodrick had let go of your hands, and stepped out in front of the van, nearly tripping as he walked. The two officers stood behind the teen, one cuffing him while the other stood and watched. You had your face in your hands, nervously chewing your lip. You had to do something. The officer not cuffing Rodrick stepped back a bit, and you saw your opportunity. In one motion, you swung your door open, hitting the man in the back of the head, causing him to collapse onto the floor. In the commotion, the other cop turned around to face you, prompting you to punch him in the face. Hard. He fell to the ground as well, leaving you and Rodrick standing over two unconscious police officers. You both stayed there in shock.

"That was seriously badass," he mumbled, eyes wide in amazement.

"Yeah. Yeah wow. That was. Fuck," you breathed, adrenaline still pumping through you. You kneeled down, fetching the key from one of the men, and quickly uncuffed Rodrick. You shoved the cuffs and key in your back pocket. Rodrick gave you a suspicious look.

"What? It's evidence," you explained. You both jumped back into the van, and took off. Rodrick hurried to your house, ignoring traffic signals and driving recklessly; as usual. You finally came to a stop in front of your house.

"Okay. We're here," he breathed out. "Y/n I just want to say again, I'm sorry. It was stupid of me to do this, and I should have just-"

You put your finger to his lips.

"It's ok," you gave him a sweet smile. "Just. Don't be an idiot. For me," you patted your chest, releasing your finger.

"I will. I mean-I won't...Be an idiot," he replied.

You leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. You then undid your seatbelt and stepped out, waving goodbye as he pulled away from your house.

♡ Rodrick Heffley x Reader One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now