Chapter 21 {unedited}

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"Who are you?" I coughed as the woman threw me to the ground.

"Maeve," She spat in disgust. I used my arms to pick myself up off the ground, but I was thrown to the ground by a powerful kick in the ribs. I coughed again.

"What do you want with me?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, the prophecy stated you were supposed to try and take over this pack of werewolves," Maeve laughed and then kicked me in the ribs again.

"Wait... you are a werewolf?" I asked between short breathes.

"Sweety, you should be less worried about me and more worried about the moon," she pointed towards the window. Outside, the sun was setting. I didn't understand how that was possible. It was just morning a few minutes ago. I understood what she was hinting at. There was going to be a full moon.

"How is it almost night?" I asked.

"Because you blacked out for a little while, but don't worry. Nothing happened to you." She said sweetly.

I rolled onto my stomach and picked myself up off the ground. This time, Maeve didn't kick me back to the ground. I walked over to the window and looked outside. The sun wasn't setting, the moon was almost up. "Why don't you just kill me now?" I spat at the woman.

"Oh! You think I'm that cruel? No! I'm waiting until I can turn into my wolfyness and kill you. That way I can wrip out your throat!" She said cheerfully. Maeve checked her watch and sighed with delight. "Only 1 more minute!" Then she walked over to a dark corner.

I turned back to the window and sighed. I was really going to die this way, my life is going to end and I haven't even told James how I felt. He's probably worried to death about me. I'm really gonna die. Atleast my father will be there with me so I'm not lonely.

All of a sudden I heard a deep growl. I turned and saw a ugly version of a wolf standing in front of me. I screamed and ran to the opposite side of the room. The wolf walked slowly towards me, enjoying the whole thing. I reached for my wand, but realized it wasn't there. I turned to face the creature. She jumped into the air and landed on top of me. Her giant feet were holding my arms down. Maeve lifted one of her paws and swung it towards my face. I rolled to the side and barely missed it. Then she swung again. This time she didn't miss.

I screamed in pain. A shock went threw my body and I suddenly felt stronger. I used my legs to kick her in the nose. She realed back and howled in pain. I stood up quickly and ran away from her. Suddenly, I fell back because I slipped on something. I looked down to the Portkey that Maeve used to get me here.

"Sorry, I got to go!" I yelled back at Maeve as I grabbed a hold of the hair brush and left.

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