Scarlett patted Pope on the shoulder. "Well, if you need us, you know where we'll be. And if not, just send us a message when you need us to pick up back up." She shot him a small smile before the boy walked away from the van and towards the nursing home.


Instead of sitting around in the van outside the nursing home, John B drove the rest of the Pogues into town. Both John B and JJ stayed in the van while the three girls treated themselves to some drinks in the café across the street. Stepping out of the surfing shop next door, drinks in hand, Scarlett asked if her friends were okay- already knowing they probably weren't.

"Of course I thanked Topper." Sarah was saying as they slowly walked down the street, talking through her argument with John B. "He saved my life,  and I'd put him through so much already. And you'd think that that is the crime of the century."

Scarlett nodded as she hummed in agreement. "Mmm, I get it."

"Tell me about it." Kiara commented. "All of this crazy shit's happening, and Pope's giving me the silent treatment for not being in love with him."

"And we're the dramatic ones." Sarah joked.

Scarlett took a sip of her iced coffee. "Men just don't get it."

"Lottie, have you and JJ ever argued before?" Sarah asked as the girls began to cross the street.

"Yep." She nodded. "Well, it's only been a couple big ones back when we were on the first hunt for the gold." Scarlett explained.

"How'd you move past it and make up?" Sarah asked, tilting her head towards the blonde girl.

Scarlett thought for a moment before answering. "Honestly, just taking a bit of time away from each other before talking it all out. Listening to each other's side of the situation and their feelings helped too. Though, we were both drunk so I wouldn't recommend that part." She chuckled. "You and John B will get better. And Pope'll move on eventually. Boys need their time to deal with these things." She told the two girls. They climbed into the back of the van and as soon as they had settled in their seats, John B drove them back to the nursing home to pick up Pope.

"There he is." JJ stated as the Twinkie rolled to a stop outside 'Shady Acres Nursing Home'. Scarlett looked out the window to see Pope walking down the porch steps. She reached over, sliding the door open for the boy. He let out a sigh as he climbed in the back of the Twinkie. No one spoke as Scarlett reached forward to close the door, wanting to give Pope the space to tell them what he'd learnt if he felt comfortable doing so.

After a few moments of silence, John B spoke. "So, how'd it go?"

Pope exhaled deeply before answering. "Shit just got way more personal." Scarlett frowned in confusion, but didn't say anything as she didn't want to push for answers in case her friend needed some more time to process it all before telling the rest of the Pogues.


"I still can't believe that you're related to Denmark Tanny." John B exclaimed. The Pogues were gathered on the jetty outside one of the many shops that sat just on the edge of the marsh. Pope had just finished telling the group of friends what he'd learnt from his great-grandmother. Scarlett's eyebrows had raised in shock at the new information, having not seen it coming even after Pope's comment in the Twinkie when they had picked him up. John B tapped Pope on the shoulder as he stepped past the boy, passing a beer over to Scarlett. "Are we in the presence of a royal?" The brunette boy joked.

"A king?" JJ laughed, putting on a British accent. "We shall crown him. All hail the lord of Tannyhill!" He cried, pretending to place a crown on his friend's head.

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