Return of Sweetness

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I nervously messed with a loose thread from my pleated skirt, looking back down at my phone to see if I had gotten the right place,

I mean, it is the address he told me..

I thought to myself before shaking my head, huffing to try and shake off my nerves.

He wanted to see you again, why would he fuck you over and give you the wrong address?

With a final deep breath, I walked onto the front patio and rang the door bell.

I stood there in shock as I looked down at the short brunette that opened the door, all the feelings of embarrassment rushing back into my body and making my cheeks red,

"Uhhhh..Hi?" My voice came out meeker than I would've liked, embarrassing me further. The child looked me over, a smirk creeping onto his face before he tried to lean on the door frame, ultimately missing and almost toppling over,

"uHG- oops uh, I'm Nick," the small boy said trying to pull off a flirtatious smile, making me cringe for a second before my eyes widen in surprise,

"Nick? That's really you? Oh, you've gotten so big I didn't recognize you!" I laughed, holding my acrylic clad fingers to my chest as I doubled over. Nick's face turned bright red, his eyebrows furrowing as I could see him try to figure out who I was.

"Fucking idiot, I told you not to answer the door yet."

An annoyed gruff voice called out from behind the small boy, making the both of us freeze up. I peeked my head into the door more before letting a sweet smile fall onto my lips,

"Judd!" I exclaimed happily, carefully walking past Nick and into the house. My short legs made quick work of getting over to the older Birch. I couldn't help wrapping my arms around his neck, giggling as I buried my face in his neck.

"Wah, I've missed you, did you even miss me too? I mean come on, you had to be miserable without your best friend," I lifted my head as I spoke teasingly, a grin creeping onto my face as Judd simply rolled his eyes with a small grin. One of his arms wrap around my waist before I felt his shoulders go slack as he relaxed into the hug.

Nick stated in complete disbelief, his jaw completely agape,

"Literally who are you?!" He exclaims, confused on how anyone could touch his older brother and not die, much less hug and tease him.

"You got dementia or something? It's [name]," Judd explains to Nick, glaring down at his younger brother. Nicks eyes raked over my form again before I could see the puzzle pieces in his brain finally click.

"That's [name]?! As in your old friend who you used to secretly li-"

Nick couldn't finish his sentence, his words caught in his throat as a knife wizzed past his face and striking the wall right beside him. Judd's stare looked like cold murder, Nick could swear he was looking death right in the face.

"Not another fucking word, faggot." Judd said in a dark tone. I pulled away from Judd, giving him a small look of disappointment for his word use before looking over at Nick with a small smile, mouthing 'it's okay' to him to try to soothe him.

I looked back at Judd,

"I did." He said simply, making me tilt my head in confusion.

"Did what?"
"Miss you."

(Authors Note: I just want some good Judd x reader smut is that so much to ask? T^T fine then, I'll do myself. I hope you guys enjoyed this, I don't really know if I'll be continuing this, depends on if I have motivation and if I want to spend another school night staying up 2:40 to do this lololol)

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