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One long road occupies two running vehicles. No buildings or any other person is in sight. The deep forest hugs the hard concrete from each end, one of the other creeping with a monster. With the dark leaves hiding their true nature, the person struggles to sift through the coarse dirt. As they groan in frustration, the fiery red car flashes its high beams in their direction. As they grunt their way deep into the forest with gooey blood on their trail, the fiery engine roars throughout the night that warns any likely passerby. 

As the engine slowly growls, the top of the vehicle starts to creak from the trunk's heavyweight. While they got busy scolding the cold air from far away, another person starts to slowly open their eyes. Their vision is all but a blur as they try to grab their phone. They cry in agony as their arm oozes out a glowing red liquid. Even so, they keep on reaching for the phone, and when they slow down to dial for an emergency, a loud screech scares the crows away in all directions.

"I'm coming back for you," the voice from the forest lets out a bellow of rage.

The sickening thought of not surviving the night echoes through their head. As the threatening voice comes closer, so too the sirens as they come near. The wailing distress comes from four different vehicles, one of them thankfully being an ambulance. 

Though it relieves the victim that they are going to be safe, their head starts to spin. As the high beams come closer, the black shadow speeds through in a frantic back to their black raven jeep and drives off into the cold starless night. As the victim tires of seeing such a horrendous night, their breathes and groans starts to stagger. The breath of air exhales from the quivering cold lips as their head starts to feel dizzy. In a matter of minutes, the victim's body starts to welcome the cold air into their warm skin. The shivers give off a slight whimper, their eyes shimmer with what little hope they have left. Tears slowly fall to the cheek as the beam shines too bright in their sight of vision. As it flashes white straight into their eyes, the victim then starts to lose consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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