||2|| The UK

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How time has buzzed by.

Ranboo was standing in the airport, waiting for his plane. The blonde didnt fit in with the other passengers. Being 6'6 was that you had to be taller than everyone else (most of the time).

Fifty-seven minutes later...

The tall blonde was seated in 7C ( I dunno, some random number).

He was waiting for plane to take off. He decided to tweet a picture of him on the plane, to give his fans something.

The plane started moving slowly, picking up speed by time. In a few minutes, the passengers were on the air. The tall boy looked out the window. The airport was now a block blur to him.

Thirty minutes later...

Ranboo was scrolling through Twitter, munching on pretzels. The first snack was delivered to the passengers, and there was a faint sound of people chewing snacks.
It was comfortable, quiet and still. The silence greeted Ranboo in a good way. Few minutes later, the tall blonde drifted into sleep.

Six to seven hours later...

Ranboo woke up to the announcement of the pilot.

"Attention passengers, we have arrived at ______." ( I dont know where). "Get ready to land and put on your seatbelts for safety." And Ranboo did as he was told.

After the plane landed...

Ranboo walked up to the bag drop area to gather his bags and luggage. The sound of women's high heels click-clacking the hard floors, children's voices as they watched in amusement, and the chatter of people welcoming others filled the tall blonde's ear.

He got his baggage, and had no idea to what to do. That was, until he saw it.

The big cardboard sign on the floor beneath him, his name written on it with giant block letters. Which was held by a small brunette boy, close to his age. Smiling brightly with a  sparkle of happiness in his beautiful eyes.


"RANBOO!!" The small brunette shouted at the blonde loudly. The other people passing by heard it and looked at the brunette annoyed.

Ranboo went quickly down the escalator to greet his brunette friend.

"Hey Tubbo!" Ranboo greeted him in delight. He was very happy, smiling underneath his split shade mask.

The moment he reached Tubbo, the brunette engulfed him in a tight hug, wrapping his arms around Ranboo's waist. The blonde smiled and hugged back, heat rising to his cheeks.

"Hey bossman!" Tubbo replied back happily after he pulled away. The tall blonde was slightly embarrassed by how the people around them were staring.

"Tubbo," Ranboo whisper shouted, "this is getting a bit embarrassing." He gestured to the people around them.

"Oh," Tubbo said sadly, with a twinge of exaggeration in his voice, "sorry Ranboo."

The blonde thought he hurt the brunette's feelings, so he instantly felt guilty. "Sorry Tubbo, I didnt mean to-"

"No it's fine!" Tubbo laughed, cutting off Ranboo.

Relief washes over the blonde's face as Tubbo said that.

"Oh," Ranboo said, " I actually thought you were sad."

Tubbo stared up at the blonde for a moment, then averted his stare to the watch on his hand.

"We should get going to my house." Tubbo said, his eyes still focused on the clock, " So let's get going big man!"

Both walked up to the exit. Ranboo was amazed by the view. There were many things to look at.

"Let's get going, my mum's over there." Tubbo pointed to a car parked by the side.

"You haven't gotten your drivers license yet?" Ranboo asked. He didnt know the UK laws and rules yet.

"No? I'm not legal to drive yet." Tubbo said, "why, can you drive at this age at the US?" The brunette asked.

"Yeah," the blonde replied to his short friend.

Tubbo went to the passenger seat door and knocked on the window.

"Mom! Ranboo's here!" Tubbo said loudly, again distracting few of the people.

A nice looking woman got out from the drivers seat.

"Ah, hello young man," The lady, or the brunette's mom said to Ranboo, " you must be Ranboo, am I right?"

"Yes, I'm Ranboo. You can also call me Mark, but Ranboo is fine with me." Ranboo answered the lady's question.

"Oh ok. You can put your baggage in the boot in the back of car, dear." She said, gesturing to the back of the car, where the boot was.

So Ranboo got his baggage in the car, with the help of tubbo.

Both boys got into the backseat and they were off to Tubbo's house.

Ranboo was looking out of the window, admiring the view outside. The UK was different from the States. More green.

"Enjoying the view, big man?" Tubbo asked suddenly, startling Ranboo. He snapped his head around to look at Tubbo beside him.

"Oh!" Tubbo exclaimed, " did I scare you?"

"Yes you did, Tubbo."
"I going to have nightmares now that I have moved here." The blonde said to the other teasingly.

"I'll make sure you do, Ranboo." Tubbo said back, trying to make a creepy smile.

"Oh no!" Ranboo said, sarcastically, " I'm going to die by a boy shorter than me!"

"HEY!!" Tubbo said giggling slightly, " Dont call me short." He paused. "Even if it's the truth." He mumbled quietly.

The brunette's mother quietly laughed of both the boys teasing.

The two boys laughed in the back happily. They continued that all the way to there destination.


Hello again! I cant believe I already got nine reads and one comment already in the first chapter! Thanks to the people who are reading this.

If the next chapter is late, I'm sorry in advance.
Have a good day/evening/night besties!

(Also the next chapter should be uploaded on Saturday or Sunday. Monday evening as the latest.)


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