chapter 4

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Y/n's pov
I had just been released from the hospital and was walking home. My parents should return tomorrow and all I could think about was how they were gonna be pissed. I might as well drop out of high school since I have just about royally screwed myself at any chance I had for collage. As I aproched my door, I could sence something wasn't right. I turned the knob and it was unlocked. As I walked inside, everything seemed fine. I gave up on the police, they just think I'm some teen pranking them or some crazy person. I decided to go ahead and get in bed. "7pm" read my alarm clock. I didn't care. Right now I wanted this to end; I wanted for everyone to just leave. Especially Jeff.

At the mansion - Jeff's pov

"Hello Jeff" Mr no face said as I entered his office. "Hey slender, I'm just checking in for ya" I said about to turn around and leave. "Oh it's too late for that, I have already sent out hoodie to find you. " he said "well call him back I'm already here so what's the point??" I snapped. "Now Jeffrey. Don't think I don't know what you have going on. You are torturing a poor boy." He said "yeah and you care why?" I said. "Hoodie has already been to his house. " he said. And then it hit me. "YOU MEAN THAT WHIMP IS THE NEXT PROXIE??!" I shouted. "NOW JEFFREY THERE IS NO NEED TO SHOUT. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CAUSED THIS. HE HAS YOUR FACE. HE HAS YOUR NAME. YOU CANNOT GET ANGRY AT ME WHEN YOU LEFT HIM ALIVE. " he shouted angrily. "Fuck dude I'm sorry, I just wanted to fuck around. " I say in defense. "And now you can fuck around by continuing to drain his mental health. " he said before turning away. "But slender! " I yelled in protest, but I knew he made up his mind. Now all I could do is contribute to his fucked up game that I was once apart of.

Y/n's pov

I woke up in a cold sweat. He's here I thought. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness and glance over at my small alarm clock. 2:18 am. I decided to get up for a glass of water. As I walked downstairs I noticed something. The kitchen light was on. I got closed and saw a yellow hooded man rummaging through my stuff. I let out an accidental gasp, and he heard it. I bolted upstairs as he ran up after me. I slammed the door and attempted to lock it as it but still open to him barreling through. I quickly got up and was pet with a punch in the nose. I reached up and covered the spot that was now throbbing. Blood. He broke my nose.  I stood up, extremely pissed, and got into a fight stance. I wanted to fight this fucker. I was able to get a slight glimpse at his face. I guess he was wearing a black mask with a red frown. He then pulled a gun out. I immediately backed down with my hands in the air. I got on my knees and started crying. That's all I seemed to be good at. Crying. My face was then struck hard by a kick. I fell over as he continued to beat me. All I did, was cry.


I woke up with a small pool of blood next to my face. I guessed I passed out from blood loss. I stood up and looked in the mirror. My face was fucked up. I had I giant black eye on my left, dried blood coming down from my nose, a random slash on my forehead, and the rest was covered in bruises. It hurt just to make facial expressions. Then I heard the door open downstairs. I looked out the window and saw my mom's car in the driveway. They were home. I panicked. What if they see my face? What if they yell at me? What if they kick me out? What if they beat me too? All the questions running through my head like a marathon. In my panicked state I didn't realize they had made their way up the stairs. My mom opened the door to see my fucked up face, crying, all alone.
A police report was made, and I was once again in the hospital. My parents were infuriated, but not at me. They were pissed off that the police would just let this go on. I was still in the hospital, and they hadn't said anything about the party I hosted or how I was ignoring their called for the past few days. They comforted me and made sure to get every detail about the people I encountered. They made sure I was safe.

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