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Olivia Green

I roll out of my bed and shiver when my feet hit the cool floor. I walk into my bathroom and let my baggy pajama clothes fall to the floor so I can shower.. After going through all of my morning routine, the normal stuffs like hair, a tiny bit of makeup, brushing my teeth, deodorant, dressing, and making coffee, I smile at myself in the mirror and get my English book since that's the only class I've got today..

I get out of my door and walk quickly through the hallways. My outfit today is simple.. Just a coat, a sweater under it, some black jeans, and lastly, my all black converses. My hair is still a little damp but it's been brushed then pushed back with a pair of sunglasses. I've got a bit of lipstick on but nothing else. I felt like I didn't look too bad.

When I reach my class, I take my seat and the teacher starts taking role

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When I reach my class, I take my seat and the teacher starts taking role.. He just kinda looks around, counts heads, then turns to his board.. He starts writing and we all pay attention. I know what you're thinking.. 'Shouldn't you be taking notes?!' No. Because my phone is laying on the desk next to me, recording the teacher's voice. It's my way of taking notes.. It's so much easier, that way if I write it on my paper and don't understand it, I can just listen back to however it was explained. 

An hour and a half later, I'm walking out of the class and heading back to my dorm.. but when I'm almost there, Like I can literally see my door, I run right into someone's chest.. For the half a second that we collided, it was so warm.. and smelled really nice. Like vanilla and woodshop. But then I was on my ass. I groaned and looked up. A boy with brown hair pushed off his forehead was smiling down at me. "Sorry, love.. You a'right?" He held his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up. "Yeah.. Yeah, Sorry for running into you." I tried to walk around him but the green eyed boy grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "You sure you're alright, Love? That was a hard fall." I nod slowly and give him a small smile. "Yes, I'm okay.. and my name is Olivia" he grins and says "I'm Harry." "Well.. I'll see you around then, I guess.. Bye, Harry" He nods and mumbles "Bye, love" as I walk away.

Well, he was nice. 

My butt does kinda hurt though..

I go into my dorm and set my book down then walk over to my little fridge.. I poke through it until I just decide to go out and grab something from a diner off campus. I find my car keys on the table and flick my sun glasses over my eyes as I walk out of my dorm and out of the college completely. Just as I reach my car, I hear someone whistle.. Not like a whistle to get someone's attention, but a 'cat call' that's supposed to lure women or some dumb shit. I roll my eyes and turn around. I see a group of boys, three to be exact, and they're all smiling at me. I unlock my car and open the door. Before I sit in, one yells "Aw, C'mon over, Hun!" I hold up my middle finger and just get in. I start my old yellow convertible and smile a the purr she makes..

 I start my old yellow convertible and smile a the purr she makes

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