kyle flanagan

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*a.n. hey everyone! hope you're doing well :) enjoy the chapter!!*

dating kyle flanagan would include:

- beach dates

- surfing and swimming at the beach

- sticking together and being there for one another through absolutely everything

- being a pretty chill and outdoorsy couple

- always stealing his hoodies and caps and wearing them everywhere

- him loving it when you steal his hoodies and caps and wear them everywhere XD

- him being pretty protective of you and always letting everyone know your his

- the song that reminds him of you: lovisa by felix sandman

- the song that reminds you of him: lay by me by ruben

- his favourite photo of the both of you is you both standing side on to the camera facing each other while he half looks away and you stand close to him and snuggle your face into his shoulder. like this:

(thought it would be easier to show the pic as well lol)

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(thought it would be easier to show the pic as well lol)

- lots and lots of cuddles

- going bike riding together along the beach

- always travelling (well pre-Covid)

- in your insta bios you have each others name with a little white heart and lock emoji

- his nicknames for you: babe, baby

- your nicknames for him: k, flano, babe, hun

- having a pet french bulldog

- being good mates with all his friends

- going to every single one of his games and wearing one of his jerseys. just being his #1 fan there (also being pretty vocal when someone makes a mistake XD)

- making pancakes together on his days off

- singing together

- heaps of top of the head kisses

- laying on the couch and watching movies till 2am

- working out and training together (well more like just watching him work out lol XD)

- getting along well with his fam

- "c'mon we've gotta get up now." "just five more minutes." *puppy dog eyes* "fineee."

- when you can't be bothered too he will help you pick out a colour and paint your nails for you

- always taking cute pics together

- going to carnivals and places like luna park and riding all of the rides till you feel sick

- him teaching you how to kick a goal and being super duper proud of you once you can kick one

- always discussing movie theories

- both loving animals and going to different farms and zoos

- "can you just shut up i'm trying to kiss you"

- him buying you your fav food whenever you're feeling down or sick

- holding hands constantly

- doing pretty much everything together and being inseparable

- just loving each other so much 


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*a.n. hope you liked it!! also can i just say i feel so bad for kyle, he has faced so much criticism for doing his job the best he can and i really hope next year will go better for him. this man holds such a special place in my heart lol <3 anyway, have a great day/night! more chapters coming soon :) love Jadie x*

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