the accident

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Thomas POV 

I turn and watched newt walk away from me shoveing people out of his way as he walked. I sigh and turn around to go find my friends.

"hey tom over hear" I hear a girl shout from across the hall I stumble over to her and the others "hey teresa hey Bren" I say looking at them both smiling "yeah hello to you to" Minho rambles I roll my eyes and playfully shove him "c'mon we have 5th together" I say while pulling Minho behind me "ok bye then" I hear Brenda yell turning around a wave and shoot her a small smile. 

"min I need your help" I say quietly leaning over to him from my desk "for what?" "that annoying teacher miss Paige smashed newt's pencil I gave him years ago and took some of his stuff" I hear Minho sigh next to me "yeah that sucks man" he says while turning back to his work "well I wanna get it back for him, that snobby bitch cant just get away with it. I mean you should have seen his face, my heart just drops at the thought of it even"

 Minho turns his head around and looks at me with a smirk "what?!" I say rather harshly "y'know I fully support you man but..." he trails of "what?" I ask again "nothing nothing its nothing honestly" I scoff at him not believing a word he just said 

"bullshit!" I say louder than expected giving Minho a bit of a fright "jeez chill man" he says as we get a couple of glares from around the room "sorry. just tell me you were gonna say" Minho snorts in return glaring at me "believe me you don't wanna know" "dude" I say slightly pissed of at him now

 "look i'm just saying I support you and i'm sure most of our friends will to but in this century its frowned apon" I look back at him confused not knowing what he's on about this time "Minho what the hell are you on about!" I whisper shouted 

"newt, and you" he says as if its the most obvious thing in the world

 "your clearly into the guy" he says stating a fact. 

I look at him shocked "n-no I don't" I say feeling like the world is closing in on me "oh come on Thomas i'm not stupid neither is your brother we all know except newt"

 "what no!"

 he just laughs in response "shut up Minho" I mutter quietly which just causes him out laugh even louder "Minho, Thomas voices please" Mr. Jorge says at us. I always liked Mr. Jorge he was really nice compared to all the other teachers and plus he's Brenda's uncle. Minho quietens his laugh a little.

 he knocks one of my books  which  causes the  photo of me and newt to fall out only cause Minho to laugh way louder than before. we get let out of class Minho still laughing his ass of on the floor now, I pick my books up from the floor where Minho still is and pick up the picture examining it with my thumb the picture was of me and newt when we were kids.

 I was giving newt a piggy back ride trying to cheer him up after he fell of the swing, he looked so happy and pure laughing the way he was it was my favorite picture of us.

 I suddenly notice its quite and look up only to bash my head into Minho's falling on the ground "Minho!" I yell while rubbing my head 

"sorry sorry its just you went quiet and were looking at that picture for five minutes and I thought you were  dead or something"

 "Minho how could I be dead?"

 "I dunno you just seemed really interested in that picture and I wanted to see what the fuss was all about, clearly you could look at it for a while"

 I look back down at the picture blushing a hard crimson red hearing Minho laugh a little in the background "c'mon mate" he says holding out his hand to help me up. we walk out the room all my things stuffed in my hands.

 "Minho! Thomas! over hear" I turn around to see Brenda smiling and waving with Gally by her side. I smile and walk over to them with Minho by my side "hey guys" Minho says running up to her smiling widely "Minho" she says on edge a bit "where's newt?" I ask looking around the hall "I dunno but he'll find us he always manages to, he with teresa" Gally says while biting his nails. just then a teacher walks by and starts yelling something

 "what the-" Gally gets cut of by a slap in the face from a teach "stop biting those nails young man, its a horrible habit" the teacher says while walking away. I look at Gally whos looking down at his suddenly interesting feet "sorry guys..." he says quietly. everyone's quiet for a minute until Brenda says something "its okay gal" he smiles shyly at her as we all start to walk away to the fields. 

"okay guys i'm gonna call him" 

"no Thomas let them be"

 "i'm worried. what if something happened to them you never know. i'm just gonna do it"

 I pull out my phone and dial newts number "hello?" I hear his soft voice speak from the other end of the line "hey bud" I say letting out a sigh I relief 

"where are you?" I ask 

"well we, uh well something sorta happened"

 my face drop imiditly "what?! what happened are you ok?" I say all my friends now starting to look at me with a worried exspeshion. there's no reply but I hear a slight sniffle from the other end "newt...what's wrong?"

 "i'm fine" he says it clearly wasn't him crying

 "who's crying?" I ask

 "to-tom..." I hear teresa say through cry's

 "resa? what's wrong?"

 "she had to leave during class for a phone call...I think you should get your pretty ass over here" newt says for her I nod my head even though he cant see me. I hang up and grab my things stuffing it into my bag 

"where are you going? what going on" Brenda asks "you didn't get a phone call too?" I ask "no, why would I?" Brenda reply's. I shake my thinking I know what's going on "you should probly come Bren, you to gal. she's gonna need comfort" they both look at each other confused but grab there stuff and follow behind me  

I swiftly walk over to the office and barge open the doors. I see teresa crying in newts arms on a couch chair. we imiditly all ran over to them comforting her. "resa, what's wrong?" Brenda asked full of concern. I was about to ask something when someone taped me on the back, I turn around to see Mary one of our science teaches 

"yes?" I ask rather harshly not in the mood for on of her science lectures "Thomas may I talk to you privately? and your friend Brenda over there" she ask "why?" I respond. she tilts her head towards teresa with a soft sympathetic smile. I nod my head and grab Brenda telling teresa we have to go and she'll be alright for five minutes with Gally to comfort her. we quietly exit the room following our teacher to her small quiet office.

 she closed the door behind us and sat down at her desk motioning for us to sit down too. we oblige and sit down across from her. "so as you may know, teresa is a bit upset right now as she got a phone call in the middle of class with some very bad news" we both nod our heads still not sure what to do "the phone call was from your father"

(Brenda is adopted into Teresa's family and has grown up with them, so there basically siblings. sorta like how Steve's family adopted newt)

Brenda's face drops, she looks at me scared out of her mind "there was a wee accident earlier today...and i'm very sorry but your mother has past" "what..." she  collapses into my arms crying her eyes out "shhhhh its ok, Bren everything gonna be okay" I whispered into her ears rubbing her back lightly in comfort. we sat there for  around half an hour with Brenda just crying into my arms. she'd already lost two parents, now one more.

  (the teacher left to give them some privacy)

Minho is a newtmas shipper 😏anyways 'a happy ending for everyone'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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