Chapter 14: She's Here

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Disclaimer: all the characters besides Hikari and her family belong to Takeshi Konomi.


Four months later....

I was finally done with a book and five American publishing company wanted to publish the book for me. I was thrilled. I chose one that I thought would do the job well. The book would be out in a few months. The first children book was done. A children publishing company picked it up and the book would be in stores in a couple of months. Viktoria was excited for me. I was on my way to becoming a great author.

Victoria moved in with me to keep a close eye on me. I was at the table watching her illustrate our first book series. I suddenly felt a sharp pain. "Ow," I said and put a hand on my stomach. Viktoria stopped drawing and looked at me. "Are you alright?" she asked me. I nodded my head. I felt another sharp pain. My legs were wet. I looked under the table. There was a puddle of water.

Viktoria looked at me. "Are you sure your alright?" she asked. I turned to her.

"My water broke," I said.

She quickly ran over to me. She helped me up from the chair and walked me to the sofa. I had made preparations a month ago about what my routine would be. I had everything put in my bag in her car. Viktoria got her jacket and key. She already called the clinic to let them know about the birth.

Viktoria helped me up and we carefully walked to the car. She helped me in the passenger seat. It didn't take us long to get to the clinic. Dr. Giebel was waiting at the front. I was wheeled inside and waited for the birth.

Several hours later....

I was extremely tired of the contractions. Viktoria was with me at all times. She got me stuff when I asked for it. She held my and to comfort me. "You're doing great," she told me. I just nodded my head. The Dr. Giebel came in and said that I was ready. I was becoming a real mother. A nurse came in to assist with the birth.

The birth was very difficult. I didn't know that I would feel so much pain. There were a few times that I was going to pass out. I pushed as hard as I could. I felt like I was suffocating from the lack of oxygen from my lungs. "You are doing great. Keep pushing," I heard.

This time, I really pushed to get the baby out. then I heard a beautiful sound. "Waaaah!" I let out a tired breath. "Congratulation. You have a baby girl," she said. I was right. {She's here.} I saw the nurse taking the baby to get checked and cleaned. I turned to see Viktoria in tears. "She is so cute," she said with a smile.

Soon I was all cleaned up. The doctor told me that the birth was extremely difficult for me due to my built. The the nurse came with my baby. She put the baby in my arms.

She was beautiful. She had brown hair, pink cheeks, and pinkish red lips. I felt tears falling from my eyes. "She's beautiful," I said tiredly happy. I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"What are you going to name her?" Viktoria asked me. I looked at her. I had thought of a name that would be perfect for her. "I will name her Kumiko. It means success, beauty child," I said. Viktoria thought that it was perfect for her.

The nurse came and took the baby away so that I could rest. I felt extremely tired. Viktoria left the room and I drifted off to needed sleep.

Few days later.....

I was finally able to go home. Viktoria drove us to the apartment. I walked inside with Kumiko in my arms. "We're home ," I whispered to her. She was asleep. I found out that she had Tezuka's eye color. She was really his daughter. I set her in my room in the crib.

I took the scrapbook out to finish the last page of the book. I placed a picture of me holding Kumiko at the hospital for the first time. I got a pen and began to write.

Hi Kumiko

You're finally here! I can't wait to get to know you. You look a bit like your dad. I know he would be so happy if he knew. Don't worry. I'm going to get take good care of you. Please be patient with me. I will love you as much as I can.

Love Mommy.

I closed the book and set the book on the nightstand. I went over to the crib and looked at Kumiko sleeping. I stroke her cheek with my finger.

Soon, I would be moving to Japan where Hitomi would help me.

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