The apartment

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When tsubaki and maka got back to her house they found a note on the door for maka saying "maka papa went out to for a while with Blaire I'll be back later love you!" Maka cringed and threw the note away.
"Ok let's get this over with..." maka urged passing the test to her friend.
"Will you come in with me?" Tsubaki said clearly shaking. Maka giggled then said "if it'll make you comfortable"
"Thank you. not only for coming in with me but for the support and everything." tsubaki grabbed her friend in a hug before they went into the bathroom shut the door and started the test. "Did ya do it?" Maka asked starting to turn around. "maka..." she said before sobbing again.
"Shhh it's ok just think about it as a good thing, you'll get to be a mommy! And black star gets to be a daddy!"
Maka tried to comfort her friend and it seemed to work because she started to smile until that smile started to turn into a frown again.
"What if black star doesn't want to keep the baby or he doesn't want me?" Saying that she started to cry again, not as hard but still crying. "he will and if he doesn't then he doesn't deserve you." tsubaki smiled and dryed her tears. "can we go to bed I feel kinda tired?" She asked nicely. "of course" maka answered sweetly.
*souls POV*
"What's wrong black star?" Soul asked over the phone. "Whatta mean? I'm fine." he lied through her teeth. "don't Lie to me you idiot! Now what's wrong?"
"It's just tsubaki hasn't called yet or even texted me or anything, I'm kinda worried." black star said distantly. "I'm sure she's fine she's pretty tuff. if you want i can text maka and ask of she knows where she is."
"If you will yes please." black star clearly filled with worry. soul chuckled "you've gone stuff star." saying before hanging up. he then continued to text maka to check on her and to see if tsubaki was with her.
"Hey maka how are you doing, also do you know where tsubaki is? Black star is worried." he texted her. about five minutes later he got a reply.
"Tsubaki's with me I'll fill you in tomorrow. and I'm fine why?"
Soul Meant to wait five minutes then text back, but he lost his train of thought and texted back right away. "cool I'll text star, and just wondering cool guys make sure everything's ok lol"
He fell asleep so he never got a text from maka until the next morning when she called him.
"Soul where the hell are you?" Maka sounded furious. "huh what, what are you talking about?" Soul answered brushing the sleep from his eyes. "you were supposed to meet me at the apartment an hour ago!" "Oh shit! Sorry maka my alarm didn't go off!" He replied jumping up throwing clothes on
"Dammit dammit dammit!" Soul thought to himself " Maka's going to be pissed at me!"
When he got to the apartment with all his stuff maka was in her room she'd picked the day before getting everything settled. He shut the door and saw a blonde headed girl with a t shirt and a pair of jeans popped her head out of the door. "it's about time." She said dryly. "Hey I don't know what happened! I set my alarm and the next day it didn't work!" Soul put his hands up in defense.
"You probably slept through it!" She smirked as she hit his arm. soul grabbed his arm playfully acting hurt "ow that hurt." grabbing a box of his stuff and pushing it through his new doorway.
A couple hours later and they sat on their new couch in their new living room that was part of their new apartment. "that toke forever!" Soul whined "but we finally got it done, didn't we? Don't be such a baby!" Maka said once again hitting his arm. "let's watch some tv!" Maka went for the remote but soul grabbed it first then putting it in the air so she couldn't reach it.
"Soul cut it out!" She whined grabbing his arm trying to get it.
Soul started laughing "why would I do that when I'm having so much fun?"
"Soooooul!!" Maka said getting on his lap to get a better reach.
Now he was sitting on the coach holding his hands up and she was sitting on his lap with one leg on each of his sides. after a while soul finally said " you'll have to surprise me if you want it back you know!" Maka stopped trying to get it for a minute as soul looked at her as if he'd won.
Until he felt a pair of soft moist lips against his, and a pair of arms around his neck. then he pulled back "sorry, but you told me to surprise you and I did" maka blushed as she slid off his lap and back onto the couch. He just looked back at her then lifted her chin when she wouldn't look back up at him. He gave her a smile and said to her surprise "who said i wanted you to stop?" Then pressed her back against the couch cushion kissing her and wrapping her waist with his warm hands. when she pulled away for air he started to kiss her neck, she moaned and pushed his head back up to her lips.
"Soul?" Maka asked while he was kissing her neck. "Hm" he said through his kissing. before stopping to look up at her face. she pushed his off her then stood up but before soul could stand up maka pushed him down on his back on the couch. He fell back and gave her a questioned look. before she sat on him yet again and started kissing him again. this continued for about 10 minutes then there was a knock on the door. they both looked at the door. soul speaking first "we don't have to answer that!" Then leaning forward from where his head had been rested on the couch to kiss maka again. she went with it till the person knocked again. she looked while soul kissed her neck. "we have to answer that soul." she said plainly trying to get up.
"WHYYY??" He whined grabbing her waist and not letting her get up.
She laughed then got up against his wishes. Maka answered the door to tsubaki and black star and a bunch of other people with coolers they yelled " "surprise" as she invited them in.
"What is this" maka asked tsubaki watching her class mates come into their new apartment
"Well when we told everyone about your new apartment we decided to celebrate!" Tsubaki answered happily.
Maka hugged her then went and told soul, then they went and locked their rooms so no one would be able to get in their new rooms.
Maka grabbed a beer and so did soul and they sat on the couch talking to their friends. He got dragged away from by black star after they had two or three beers. and they went to a group of girls and starting talking to them. Maka sat there watching soul and black star flirt some what with the girls when maka heard someone say her name. it was ox "hey maka!" He yelled at her. "Hey ox how have you been doin" maka was clearly drunk. "Do you have any coffee or soda or anything besides beer?" He Asked watching her to make sure she wouldn't fall. "um I don't think so besides water, here I'll go to the store and get some soda or something I'll be right back!" Ox grabbed her arm and sat her down on the couch "no maka it's fine I'll just have some water!" "No no no it's ok I'll go its fine I swear!" She replied grabbing her jacket, and walking outside.
Ox told soul what she'd done and he followed her found her sitting on the steps outside. "maka what are you doing out here?!" Soul sat down next to her. "I wanted to go to the store but I can't see straight!!" She started to laugh. "We should get you to bed" he thought out loud. after hearing this she stopped laughing "no no I don't want to go to sleep! Please don't make me go to sleep! I'll be a good girl!" After saying that she pretended to cry into soul's lap.
"Come one maka let's go to bed!" Soul picked her up and she laid her head on his chest. when they got in almost everyone was passed out. he set maka down to look for the keys they had locked their bedroom doors with but could only find one
"Dammit I wish we would have locked the doors with the same key" he thought to himself.
And after 10 minutes of trying to find the key to maka's bedroom and 3 more beers maka gave to herself he took her in his room. he told her to lay down and go to sleep but she went straight to his closet. "maka what're you doing go to bed!" Soul started making a pallet for himself on the ground. he looked over to see maka taking off her shirt and skirt. he quickly turned around and shook his head "maka what the hell are you doing?" "I can't sleep in my day clothes!" Maka said laughing.
"Then your going to sleep in your underwear and bra?" Soul got a little turned on until he shook the idea out of his head. maka came up behind soul and hugged him in her bra and underwear. "no silly I'm going to wear one of your shirts!!" "What?!" Soul exclaimed before she pushed him on the bed.
She picked out a shirt and put it on while soul changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "goodnight maka." Soul told her as he threw the blanket over her head and attempting to lay down on the pallet he had made for himself. "no soul wait! Sleep in the bed with me!" She grabbed his waist and pulled him back over to the bed.
"Maka..." soul started to argue but maka cut him off "please I'm scared!" She folded up the blanket so he could slid into them.
"Why are you scared?" He gave maka her wish and laid beside her as she wrapped her arm around his stomach and put her leg over his. "because there are monsters under the bed!" She giggled for a while then suddenly stopped as her breath evened. "she must be asleep" soul thought to himself, as he too drifted off to blackness.
Maka woke up with a banging in her head as the daylight hit her eyes, but there was something else, a nice warm person she had been cuddled up to. she couldn't believe her eyes... it was soul.
He think woke up and stared up at her, "morning drunky" he said shutting the blinds quickly. she got up to get some water and medicine for her head ache, but she noticed soul staring at her and looked herself over. "what the hell? Why am I wearing your shirt?" She quickly asked soul. soul was still staring at her legs until she sat back under his covers again.
"Gonna ask again why the hell am I wearing your shirt?" Maka said covering herself up. "I uh I don't know I don't remember anything." Maka laid back down in her spot against the wall. she patted the bed as a sign for soul to lay back down.
"Last night was something wasn't it." maka finally broke the silence between the two. "considering what I can remember yeah." Soul chuckled
He turned on his side to look at maka and she followed his lead. "what do you remember?" He asked staring at her emeralds. "I remember ox asking if we had anything besides beer to drink and then leaving then you coming and getting me..." she stopped and blushed remembering what she had told him.
"Then it all goes black." she finished her sentence.
"I remember everything now that I've started thinking about it..." He paused to annoy maka. "well tell me you ass!" She said hitting his arm. "ok ok I brought you in here because I couldn't find the key that we locked your door with and I had made myself a pallet on the floor but you insisted on me sleeping with you in the bed, but you had striped down and put my shirts on, by the way you hugged he before you put the shirt on and pushed me on the bed." he said purposely making her blush.
"Did I say anything as to why it wanted you to sleep with me?" Maka asked hiding her blush as best as she could. soul laughed "yeah actually... because there are monsters under the bed!" He said Mockingly
Her blush hardened and she tried to climb over him but he grabbed her waist and sat her back on top of him.
"Where you going? Don't you want me to protect you?!" He kissed her, and let her go.
Maka left the room to grab some water to find everyone had left except for tsubaki and black star who were drinking water also, but when she came out they looked at her wide eyed. They looked over her and black star laughed.
"So soul surpassed god to!!" Maka grabbed a book and maka chopped him. "no you ass I got drunk and put one of his shirts on!" She told him trying to calm herself down
When soul heard black star fall he came in to see what had happened "hey maka you alright?" He noticed black star and sighed "I'll be in my room" and with that he disappeared back into his room.

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