Iron man -Part 1

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Back in Black by AC/DC opens the scene. Writing on the screen says "Kunar Province, Afghanistan." A hand is shown holding a glass of scotch. The Screen pans out to show that it is Tony.

"You in a military vehicle with alcohol I should have seen it coming." Rhoedy says sarcastically

"I paid for the spillage." Tony says darkly confusing most in the room

He says that he feels like he is being driven to court marshall and asks what he did, then says that it feels like they're going to pull over and snuff him and asks if they're allowed to talk.

The soldier in the front seat says that they can talk.

Tony asks if it's personal.

The driver says that he intimidates them.

"You do intimidate people Mr. Stark" Peter whispered to him

Tony is shocked when he realizes she's a woman and says that he couldn't have called it. And that he thought of her as a soldier first.

She tells him she's an airmen.

Tony compliments her bone structure and says that he's having a hard time not looking at her and asks if that's weird.

"Very weird, also respect military people, Tony." Steve said getting an eye roll from Tony and Pepper slaps his head for the comment he made in the movie earning some chuckles

The soldiers start snickering and Tony encourages them to laugh. The soldier in front says that he has a question for Tony and asks if it was true that he has a question for Tony and asks if it was true that he went twelve for twelve with last year's Maxim cover models. Tony says that it's an excellent question and the answer is yes saying that he did but he didn't because the girl for March and he had a scheduling conflict, but the Christmas cover was twins.

"That's impressive." Clint said smirk before receiving a slap to the back of the head courtesy of Laura

The soldier in the seat next to him raises his hand, Tony asks if he's kidding when he does it.

The soldier asks if he could have a picture.

Tony says that it is very cool. The soldier pulls out a camera and passes it to the guy in the front seat. Tony says that he doesn't want this on Myspace.

The soldier next to Tony holds up the peace sign. Tony asks him not to. The soldier puts his hand down. Tony retracts his previous statement and says that he was kidding. The soldier puts his hand back up. "Yeah, peace, I love peace, I'd be out of a job with peace."

Wanda frowns she knows the man has changed but it still hurts to think about her family

The Soldier in the front seat is having trouble with the camera. The soldier tells him to hurry up and not change any settings. A bomb suddenly blows up beside the vehicle. Gunshots can also be heard.

Most people jump in their seats at the explosion except the shield agents and Tony who knew what happened some even scream.

Tony asks what's going on.

A soldier shouts contact left and gets out of the vehicle.

Tony asks what the situation is.

The soldier tells Jimmy to stay with Stark and then exits the vehicle, then gets shot down.

They watch in horror as no one says anything

Jimmy swears and gets out as well.

"No Stay in the vehicle!" Bucky and Sam roared in unison

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