Emperor Pilaf Saga

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Izuku: I-I'm n-not delicate! I'm tough!
Bulma: Of course you are little Izuku and adorably cute~.
Izuku: I-I-I'm n-not cute! I-I said I was tough!
Bulma: Whatever you tough guy~. Now then let's all go to sleep now.
Goku: But Bulma??? I'm the tough one???
Bulma: Goku. . .Nevermind let's go to sleep already
Goku: Ok

After a little more chatting between all of them Goku and Izuku fell asleep instantly. Bulma looked at Goku then went back to Izuku.

Bulma: 'Poor kid...I can't even imagine what his mother and father are going through right now...Before we send Izuku back home, I have to make sure he smart'

As then Bulma gives the sleeping Izuku a kiss on the forehead and then she heads to sleep.

The next day

The morning came with the sun rising and birds chirping. Goku was the first to wake up being the very early bird that he is. Goku looked at the both sleeping Bulma and Izuku who was clinging onto Bulma fearing to let go. Goku then decided to do some morning workouts by lifting some boulders and crushing them. The sounds of Goku morning workouts had woken up Bulma who can see that Izuku was holding on to her and hearing him calling out his mother and father.

Izuku (sleeping): M-mama *sniffle* *sniffle*. . .Papa. . .*sniffle* *sniffle*
Bulma: Don't worry Izuku, will bring you back to your mama and papa soon. . .'I need to make sure to guide him in life. So he doesn't become like Goku.'

Bulma then gently woke him up and made some breakfast for themself. As they heard Goku freaking outside. Izuku and Bulma checked what the commotion was all about. They saw that Goku was talking with a sea turtle.

Bulma: Strange? A sea turtle shouldn't be living around here?? Are you supposed to be living by the sea???
Turtle: Yeah and I'm very concerned about being out here so far from home. Oh by the way do you have any salt water?
Bulma: Sure I'll go grab some.

After a while Bulma gave some salted water to the Turtle. The Turtle began to drink the salted water and thanked Bulma for it.

Turtle: That was some good sea water.
Bulma: What are you doing here?
Turtle: Well long story short. I'm lost and that's simple. I'm lost! I've been trying to find my way back to the sea for over a year now.
Bulma: The ocean, you say? You've been going in the exact opposite direction! Hold up, let me grab my map.

Goku, Izuku and the Turtle saw that Bulma went back to the house to grab a book map. Bulma came back to the group with the map in hand.

Bulma: Bad news. You are still 100 miles or 120 kilometers away.
Turtle: Great, that will take me 20 years!

Goku: Gosh that sounds like a long time. And also what's an Ocean?
Izuku: An ocean is a big place of water Goku..
Goku: Thanks Izuku!

Bulma: I wish there is a way to help you.
Goku: Hey I know! Will you like me to carry you to the sea Mr. Turtle?
Turtle: Why, Yes! Thank you!
Bulma: Are you nuts!!

Izuku: Please Bulma! Can we help out Mr. Turtle! Pretty please!
Bulma: I-Izuku...

As then Izuku gives Bulma the puppy eyes. She couldn't argue and gives-up, Bulma then decided to go on the small detour. Bulma then grabs another capsule and throws it. What appeared, was a motorcycle, she told Izuku to get on the motorcycle and as for Goku. He carried the Turtle on his back. As they all started heading their way to the sea

Hours later

Izuku, Goku, and Bulma adventure still continues on the hunt of the remaining Dragon ball but put on hold to help out a lost Turtle to head back to the sea.

Izuku Into The Dragon Ball WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz