Chapter 16: Goodbye for Now

Start from the beginning

Shirley was the next to hug the redhead, lightly sobbing into her shoulder. Kitsune felt herself tear up. "I-I'll be back, mom... I promise..." She stated.

"I know you will, sugar... W-We'll be right here when you come back.." Shirley responded, pulling back and wiping her unofficial daughter's tears. "When you come back, I'll look into gettin' some actual adoption papers!" She joked, trying to cheer them both up.

Kitsune smiled. "Sounds good..." After Shirley walked a bit away, Kitsune turned to look at Chris.

"Chris..." She breathed out, walking over- only getting faster with every step before she reached him. Once she was close enough, she tightly wrapped her arms around him. Chris was very quick to return the affection.

"I'm... I'm really going to miss you, darling..." He stated, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

"I-I'll miss you too, Chris... I swear, I'll come back the SECOND I get a chance..." The girl responded, gripping the back of his vest.

"I know you will... I wouldn't doubt you for two seconds..." Chris stated, pulling back and moving her hair out of her eyes. "I'll see you whenever you get back..." He added, kissing her head.

Giving him one last kiss, Kitsune boarded the train. Once she found a seat, she looked out the window to look at her friends one last time. With a weak smile, she waved as the train started moving.

On the outside of the train, everyone was just silent. Shirley noticed Chris pulled his hood over his head, gripping a rose gold pocket watch in his hand. "Christopher..? Are you doin' alright...?" She asked, debating on placing a hand on his shoulder- which she ultimately decided against.

"I'm... I'm fine, Miss Candelle... Thank you for your concern, but I just..." There was a slight pause, as if he was struggling to hold himself together. "I just... want to be alone for the time being..." Was all he said before he speed-walked away.

Once he was far enough away, he went from just a brisk walk to a full blown run. The entire time, the pocket watch remained in his hand. He had no intention of so much as loosening his grip. It was only when he got to the mansion did he finally slow down a little.

Panting, he walked into the large home. Teatime immediately walked in, sensing there might've been something wrong. Upon seeing the young man's disheveled appearance, he went on high alert.

His hood cast a shadow over his eyes, so he couldn't get a good grasp on his expression. He seemed to be shaking, as was his breathing. It was really hard to tell, but Teatime could just barely make out the faint tear stains on his cheek. "Good heavens, Christopher... Are you alright...?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Y... Yes... Yes, I'm... I'm fine.. I'm going to my room- I'm... I'm really tired..." Chris lied.

"If... If you're certain... Shall I get you when dinner's ready?" Teatime asked.

"Uh... Just, bring it to my room.. I can't say I'm feeling up to coming out here right now..." Was the response, before the young male walked upstairs.

Once he made it to his room, he flopped onto the bed, sighing. He held the pocket watch that Kitsune had gifted him closer to his face. He felt tears well up in his eyes, holding the gift to his chest. Slowly, he allowed himself to break down.

Just when he was ready to accept that he didn't have to be alone anymore...


Meanwhile, Kitsune's eyes were dull as she rode the train. Much to her dismay, her destination was coming into view. "Fucking great..." She muttered, sighing a bit loudly.

She frowned, narrowing her eyes once she reached the station. Once the announcement to get off was made, she angrily huffed- grabbing her bags. Begrudgingly, she made her way off the train. She was met with the less than warm expressions of her mother and brother.

"Hi... Mom... Hi Mike..." She greeted, sticking her hand into her pocket. She paused, feeling her fingers brush against something... metallic. Pulling it out, she had realized it was a beautiful heart locket.

'How did...' She thought.

"What's that?" Her mom asked.

Not wanting to give her mother the truth, she lied. "It's a necklace. I saw it in a store, and thought it was really cute, so I bought it for myself."

"Hmm.. Just for you, huh? If you're gonna do this job, you could at the very least bring us postcards or something..." Her mother passive aggressively stated.

Trying not to let her parent's words get to her, she just put the necklace on. "Right..." Was all she could say.

Without many more words, Kitsune and her family got in the car. She sat in the back seat, holding the necklace between her fingers. 'I wonder if there's anything in it...' She couldn't help but wonder.

With a soft hum, she opened it. Inside was a small mirror on one half... And writing engraved on the other. Eyes widening a bit, she silently read it.

'We'll be reunited in due time. In the meanwhile, you'll always have a bit of me with you.'

She couldn't help but to tear up a little. Not from sadness, but of hopefulness. She held the locket close to her chest.

She couldn't wait to return to him...

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