Meet the Team

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You were following your dad, Arcee, and Bulkhead through the groundbridge. You had never been through one before, So it was a new experience. Everyone was at the end of the green tunnel and stepped out into what looked like the inside an old missle silo used in the humans war. You had read a couple old books on the ship about the wars here on earth. Right in front of you on the floor was a large autobot insignia. Before you had time to survey your surroundings, There were 3 more autobots in front of you. There was a black and yellow bot, A red and white bot, and a very large red and blue bot, Who you assumed was Optimus Prime. "Greetings Wheeljack, Im glad you made it to earth safely." Optimus had a very low voice, But he didn't seem mean or scary. He paused a moment before turning to you and starting to speak. "I was not aware you had a sparkling Wheeljack, What is your name young one?" "My names Y/N, Your Optimus Prime, Right?"

"Yes, You've already met Arcee and Bulkhead, This is Bumblebee and this is Ratchet." He pointed at the bots when he said their names, Bee waved at you and spoke, But he couldn't talk like normal, He spoke in beeps. "Hi Y/N, Its nice to meet you!" Ratchet gave a quick hi to you and then turned to your dad. "Wheeljack why didn't you mention you had a sparkling?" He asked your dad curiously. "Well, At the time it kinda...Slipped my mind. I haven't had to introduce her to anyone in awhile, I hope its not a huge problem shes here with me." Everyone turned to Optimus and waited for an answer. "Her being here is no problem Wheeljack. But I should ask, is she allowed to accompany the team to energon scoutings, Or is she to not leave unless under your supervision?" "She can go with anyone as long as you fill me in on whats happening and where, I trust her." You were honestly shocked at your dads answer. Not the trust part, You never gave him a reason not to trust, But about being able to go with anyone here. "Understood, Now that introduction's have been made, why don't we have ratchet make sure you both are alright from the traveling. Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee, Why don't you go get the children so we can introduce them to Wheeljack and Y/N." They left and you turned to Optimus with a look of confusion while your dad was being led to the medbay by Ratchet. Its like he read your mind and he started talking. "They are human children, They all caught sight of the autobots and stay here so we can protect them from the decepticons."

He was about to walk over to ratchet, But you had one more question you wanted to ask. "I have a question about the Decepticons, If you don't mind me asking. Have any ever changed sides and helped us, Or were they at least given the chance to change sides? I haven't came into contact with many but if we were all friends once, Don't some of then want to be friends again?" Optimus looked very suprised by your question. He assumed you had only been told stories about how bad they were, He wasn't aware that you had known so much about the time before war. He also thought that since you had only known war in your life, That you wouldn't want to give the decepticons another chance. "Everytime we fight eachother, I give every single one the chance to change sides, So far none have accepted my offer. But that doesn't mean i give up hope that some will. I am suprised you want to give them another chance, normally no one else sees the point in trying. You are very wise beyond your years Y/N." He put a hand on your shoulder for a moment and then started walking towards the med bay. You just got called wise, by a Prime! They're supposed to be the wisest bots ever. After a moment you followed to the medbay to see how your dad was. Ratchet was fixing a would on his arm and dad flinced a bit. "Easy Sunshine, I need that arm." Sunshine? Dad hasn't called anyone but mom that, Its weird hearing him say it towards someone else. "Stop moving and you'll keep it. And dont call me that." You could tell that they weren't going to get along great already.

"Is everything alright? How bad is his arm?" You asked, a little concerned since he took on so many cons at once. "He will be fine, Nothing but a couple small cuts easy to fix." Ratchet seemed like he was an easily irritable bot. You hoped that you weren't already on his bad side. Some time passed and Ratchet concluded that you were healthy and well. After a bit longer the others came back and you saw three humans with them. The first one to speak was a girl with pink and black hair. "Who's the new girl bot. Bulkhead introduced her to you and you learned her name was miko. She was very energetic. Arcee introduced you to Jack. He was kinda quiet and was the oldest of the three. Bumblebee told you about Rafael. Be was shy and was the youngest of the group, Something you and he had in common. After a long day of talking and story sharing, The kids went home because it was getting late.

"Its been a long day. How about tomorrow you and your father go out on a mission with bulkhead", Optimus suggested, Figuring it would be a good idea to get you used to earth. "Alright, Sounds great." Your dad was a little worried about taking you on a mission, But he knew he couldn't shelter you forever. Bulkhead then led you and your dad towards two almost empty rooms. All they had in them were two metal slabs, or berths. "They aren't much, But they should do for now so you two can get some rest." You thanked Bulkhead and gave your dad a hug goodnight. You walked into the room making sure the door shut behind you. Tomorrow's going to be a great day.

Done! I hope this chapter is a good start for whats to come with this story. I wanted to finish another chapter because my birthday is on the 10th and im not sure how much time or energy i'll have to work on the story in the next week or so lol. Thanks for the reads on the book so far!! I really appreciate it ( )

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