Jotun/Aesir Cow

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Hi! Sry for this taking so long, but here it is! I hope you guys enjoy, and has anyone seen Eternals yet? I am DESPERATE for spoilers.

Plz comment and like!

Loki POV

Within seconds, I could see again, and I saw that nothing seemed to had changed, except for the gauntlet. It was now steaming and smoking, as if it couldn't decide whether it was fire or water.

Thor looked at the gauntlet, then back up at Thanos. "What did you do" He murmured in disbelief.

"What'd you do?!" He demanded, pure rage in his eyes. Thanos winced in pain and looked around wildly, before raising the gauntlet and opening a portal to Norns knows where. Stormbreaker dropped to the ground.

When I looked down, a deep blue appeared in my peripheral vision. I looked at my hands and realized they were blue. I held back a gasp so Thor wouldn't notice. They were blue.


I conjured black leather gloves onto my hands. Odin had placed an enchantment so I would appear æsir, so why was-

A dead man's enchantment.

It came to me all in one moment. Odin was dead, which meant that his magic wouldn't last much longer. My hands had been scratched by the wood on the tree. I would have to test this theory more later.

I heard panting and turned. Surely enough, Steve Rogers came into the clearing, clutching his side.

"Where'd he go?" The captain asked, but we all knew the answer. Thanos was gone. Steve continued to look around as if Thanos was had behind a tree waiting to come out. "Thor, Loki. Where's he go?"

Thor looked dejectedly at the ground, all rage gone. He simply looked defeated, and it hurt to see him in such a way.

"Brother..." I started, but then I heard footsteps and whipped around.

"Steve?" James was walking towards us, his gun pointing up and his other hand in front of his face, which was turning to dust. No. This couldn't be happening.

He made eye contact with me, but there was little fear in his eyes. His legs turned to dust, and before he even hit the ground, he was but ashes. His gun clattered to the forest floor.

Steve walked slowly towards the pile of dust, and knelt next to it, before looking back up at my brother and me, but I was too shocked to move. I made eye contact with Thor, and I wasn't even bothered by his mismatched eyes. I knew we had the same thought:

Thanos won, and this is the price. One of us will die.

I indistinctly heard crashes and shouts in the distance, but all I could focus on was my brother's eyes. If one of us were to die, we would do it together.

I heard Okoye shouting in Xhosa, but I didn't care.

"Loki," Thor spoke only my name, yet it carried so much weight, I doubted even the mightiest berserkers could lift it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wanda turn into a pile of ash, but if anything, she looked relieved.

"Sam!" Rhodey shouted. His helmet was off, and he was looking around desperately. "Sam, where you at?"

Bruce and Groot came into the clearing.

"Thor!" Bruce cried, heaving a sigh of relief, but the emotion didn't last long.

Thor and I held eye contact, waiting for one of us to die.

Romanoff ran towards us and stopped when she looked behind me. I turned and saw why. Rogers was crouching in front of Vision's body. The only body we'd be able to show.

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