I'm A Blue Man, Not A White Man

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Other chap right here. I'm still freaking excited for What If.

Does anyone have any info on Loki: Season 2? I can't find anything other than Owen and Tom are coming back.

Loki POV

I had probably gotten ten feet into the city when the Dora Milaje came. I could tell it was them by their red and silver tunics that stood out. I had to admit, I was impressed with their speed, but was their skill at the same level?

The Dora all came from different directions, and formed a circle, their Vibranuim spears pointed at me. I fought the instinct to reach for my dagger, as they probably would not take kindly to it.

Citizens looked my way, and I heard a young girl whisper to her parents, "A white man!" I was tempted to change into my Jotun form, purely to amuse myself, but that would just get me in more trouble.

A certain high ranking Dora, which I recognized by the extra gold on her outfit, stepped forward. She held her spear at bay, but she could probably strike me before I could even fathom what happened.

"You are trespassing in the country of Wakanda. Leave, or come quietly with us," She said with so much authority, I was tempted to just leave.

"I need to speak to your king," I tried to stay calm, though it seemed as if all of the Dora were itching for a chance to kill me.

"You don't have that right," The high ranking Dora responded.

I scoffed. "I'm pretty sure I have the right to save the universe."

She obviously didn't want to take my bait, but I had laid it in such a clean and tempting way that she submitted almost instantly. "What does that mean?" She asked, her accent thick.

"Thanos is coming," I tried to hide the strain in my voice as I said the name of the mad titan. "In fact, he's probably already attacking- in my best guess- New York, since that's where the time stone's being kept. He already has two stones, and he'll wipe out half of life if he gets all six."

It occurred to me after I finished my little speech that they had no idea which stones I was talking about, but by the urgency of my voice, the leading Dora was convinced. She shouted something in Xhosa, and the Dora lowered their spears, and one walked towards me with cuffs.

I sighed and smiled as if we were sharing a joke. "Cuffs? Seriously? I'm coming here to save your planet."

"Your intentions do not wipe out your crimes," The leader said, pulling out my arms to place the cuffs.

The walk to the palace was shorter than I thought it would be, but the palace reminded me much of Asgard. There weren't many domes, but mainly layered structures, with golds and silvers.

As we approached the entrance, a young man wearing black robes, and a teenage girl with an orange dress were standing near the doors, with dozens of Dora guards surrounding them.

The Dora leader walked up to the man and said something in Xhosa, and a moment later, the AllSpeak translated for me: "This criminal was found near the border. I still do not understand why the border tribe couldn't handle it."

"Ndikhethekile nje ngaloo ndlela. (I'm just special that way.)" I said, and the Dora turned to me in alarm. The girl in the orange dress seemed like she was trying not to laugh. I smirked, before saying, "King T'Challa, I must address you on the-"

"You will speak at your trial," The King of Wakanda interrupted.

I raised an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

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