Tammy - "Hey hey it's okay she'll be okay I've checked her airways, she's breathing fine and her pulse is getting better slowly."

This doesn't help Lou though and she starts to freak out.

Lou - "I didn't even realise Tam! I was right next to her for goodness sake, I was holding her hand! She struggled alone the whole time! What if you hadn't been here! What if I just drove her here myself alone? I would have freaked out and probably ran inside carrying her for help? That's not always going to be an option Tammy! I really need to be there for her but I'm worried that I would just blank and be no help!"

Tammy - "Well... test it out now Lou-"

Lou - "What?"

Tammy - "Hey! Hey honey it's okay! Stay there for me okay. Lou, keep dabbing this on her head to cool her down and I will go let them know what's happened and see if we are still okay to go in a little late. I'll be back soon sweetheart."

She kisses your head and heads out of the car and you're left with a teary looking Lou.

Lou - "Hey baby how's your head?"

Y/n - "Umm it's uh heavy... yeah. Do you think you could help me up?"

Lou - "Oh yeah of course come here."

You grip your hands on her arms and she slowly lifts you up and gets in the car properly too to keep you close to her.

She grabs the water bottle and gives it you and you sip at it while rubbing the back of your head.

Soon enough Tammy comes back and says you're fine to still go in and they help you out of the car and keep you stable walking in. As you arrive Tammy has already signed the paperwork and you just head straight inside.

You spend a while in the appointment explaining your triggers for the relapse and current struggles and new events and afterwards they refer you to some specific doctors for your treatment sessions and then you're free to go home.

Once you get back Tammy opens the door and you and all head inside while she heads upstairs. Soon enough she is back down with a new outfit on and you're so confused.

Y/n - "Tam where are you going?"

Tammy - "Huh? Oh umm Debbie messaged that she had a surprise for me so I'm just heading to meet her. And anyway Umm I think you and Lou need to talk. I'll be back later and message if you need me."

Tammy kisses your head as your eyes are looking back at Lou who us shocked Tammy said anything. She sighs and as Tammy walks out she slowly walks towards you and sits.

Lou - "Look okay, it's nothing bad I just...I umm... I don't want to not know how to take care of you. I didn't like how panicked that just made me feel. I felt so helpless and I really want to be able to help and notice these things. So uh... honey you need to tell me when you're not feeling good... okay? You need to let me know, so I can help. And as for helping, you need to tell me what I can do. Whatever scenarios you can think of, I want to know how I can help my girl, okay.

You smile tearing up and nod and she pulls you in for a hug stroking your hair. You spend the evening with Lou teaching her how to take care of you and you share some stories of incidents that have happened in the past.

Soon enough it's later in the day and you get a  massage from Tammy to ask if you're home still and that they have news. You wait for them to come back and when they are, they tell you that they are official.

Y/n - "What!"

Tammy - "Yeah umm I have a girlfriend."

You scream and attack Tammy with hugs and Lou laughs and goes to congratulate Debbie. You then do the same to Debbie and sit down so they can tell you the details.

Y/n - "So how did it happen?! Where did you guys go?"

Tammy - "So umm deb?"

Debbie - "Oh okay baby umm... so I took her out for a meal in this cafe that looked out into a waterfront. Then we went on a walk along it and i had set up a picnic and yeah...i asked her."

Tammy - "Baby you're making it sound so bland! Guys I'm not kidding when I say it was the cutest thing ever!! There were ducks that we fed and chocolate covered strawberries and ugh! It was so beautiful! And then she looked me deep into my eyes and asked me the one thing that I never thought I would ever hear from her... ever. And now I'm the happiest women on the planet!"

As she speaks Tammy gets over hyper with excitement and you're so happy for her that you join in with her excitement and Lou and Debbie just laugh and stand together watching you both. Once she's done, she turns smiling and kisses Debbie and you can't help but smile and turn to lock eyes with Lou who's also smiling.

After this they tell the others over FaceTime and they all suggest you all should celebrate that night. So you head upstairs to get ready.

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