Chapter 4

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"Wow, it feels like spring already." Taeyong thinks to himself as he walks outside and takes a whiff of the fresh air and takes a seat on a chair in the backyard.

"Which means the school year's almost over, and then I'll be a Senior." Taeyong thinks to himself as he slowly starts to feel his face drop.

"Which means I'll be graduating soon, which means I won't be around Sungchan as much." He frowns at the thought.

"Time really does fly..." His thoughts were soon interrupted by banging on the sliding door and he turns to see Sungchan pressing his face against the glass. He laughs before standing up and opening the door for him.

"Yongie leave bed, why?" He asks and Taeyong chuckles as he sits back down on the chair.

"I just wanted to go outside, I didn't want to wake you." He says and Sungchan nods as he gets up on the chair and lays down on Taeyong's chest making the older smile.

"I'm thinking to much about it, I'll just enjoy my time with him now." He thinks to himself as he wraps his arm around the toddler and drifts of to sleep.

"Spring means club season." Taeyong says to himself as he walks up to the bulletin board that's already full of flyers.

"I gotta fit this on here some how." He whispers to himself as he looks around the board but ultimately gives up and plans on going back to the club room but not without noticing a certain flyer on the board.

"Dance club?" He was interested in that, he hadn't been able to dance since they've came here.

"No, I already have a club." He reminds himself but can't help but take one of the little slips from it and place it into his pocket as he walks back to his club room.

"Taeyong!" All the kids shout as they jump on top of him.

"Guys! Be careful!" He shouts as he falls over, dropping the flyer.

"Oh? You made a flyer?" Johnny asks and Taeyong nods.

"I couldn't put it up though, there were already too many covering up the board." He says with a small pout as he sits up from the floor.

"It's okay, maybe we can walk around and see what the clubs have to offer." Johnny says and Taeyong gives him a questioning look.

"We can take the kids and show them what the clubs all about! Duh." He says and Taeyong thinks about it.

"Come on... The kids all want to go." Johnny says and all the kids cheer.

"Yes I want to see Mama's club!"

"Us too!" They all shout and Taeyong sighs as he gets them ready to go.

"Baby company! Attention!" They all stand still as they try their best to look forward and act serious.

"Forward, march!" Johnny yells and the babies line up going from oldest to youngest.

"Left, left, left right, right left!" Johnny chants as the toddlers take over, marching down the hallway as Johnny holds out a sign for the babysitters club and Taeyong trails behind them, trying to ignore everyone's stares.

"Papa!" The twins yell as they run into the music room where they see their father playing the piano.

"Come here Donghyuck, sing with me." He says as he places Yangyang next to him and Donghyuck on his lap and starts to play the piano.

"Twinkle twinkle little star! How I wonder what you are~" They sing and all the students start to crowd around the father and sons singing, cooing at the little boy in his lap.

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