Act I (I) - Plans in the Making

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"Alright, now. Everyone shut the fuck up!"

A loud and feminine voice boomed throughout a dimly lit room. The voice demanded attention from the audience it reached out to, startling both boy and man alike. The audience that had now stopped their muttering consisted of mostly men with a few women scattered in-between. All appeared rugged and someone could tell from first glance that they did not have many luxuries.

Among these couple hundred low-lives, however. A nicer-dressed man and woman stand atop a small wooden stage that creaked with movement. The man sat on a slightly tattered cushioned chair, appearing to be inspired by the medieval era. He wore a black suit with a dark blue dress shirt underneath along with a blood-red tie. He had a light skin tone with slicked-back black hair. Grey streaks could faintly be seen in his hair and facial hair. A deep scar ran across his right cheek and through his left eyebrow. The last thing to note was the piercing deadly glare from his steel-grey eyes that never left his face.

A grimace always seemed to be present on his face. Unless looking at the young woman of course. His only daughter. Who always made him proud and exceeded his twisted expectations. His only pride and joy left... And there she stood. On the stage demanding respect for authority from anyone and everyone. She knew her place very well. And it was above everyone else. Yes, she takes on the role of 'leader' very well. The most notable thing on her person that stood out besides the scars that littered her body and proved it well worn through tough times; was the red ring piercing in her septum. Though it was not in the same places, everyone in the current room had a red ring or red ring piercing.

Looking over the crowd thoroughly, she narrowed her eyes and creased her brows to show all seriousness as she spoke.

"Listen, chuckle fucks. I am very well aware of what's been going on. Rest assured the rat from the New World was taken care of. We sent a little message to them as well. Maybe next time they'll think twice before fucking with us." During this, several low chuckles from the crowd could be heard. She smirked in response before becoming serious once again.

"I know we have been steadily growing. However, from now on acceptance into the Red Rings will be strict. We can only do better next time if this is to happen again. I remind you all that if you are to find a rat or even have suspicious. Do not hesitate to bring them to me. Alive. And they will be dealt with appropriately. Mark my word. Along with that, we are almost ready to start our operation. The final preparations are being made as we speak."

With this said, the crowd uproars in cheers and wild excitement. Feeling satisfied for the moment. The young woman turns then to give her attention to her father. He soon does the same as he stands to walk with her. They venture through a heavy metal door and down a dark corridor. As soon as the door fully closed the older man spoke.

"A lovely little speech you gave. Though, I think you were going softer on them today. Is there something troubling you, (Y/n)?"

"You always know father. I'm sad to say I'm a bit worried we aren't as ready for this as we say we are." She says monotonously.

Her father lightly laughs in response, "there is nothing for anyone to worry about. Especially you, you'll give them exactly what they deserve. This, I know."

"I don't question that either. I will hand them their fate even if I have to shove it down the throat of every goddamned Zero I can find."

The young woman's father looks at her through the corner of his eye. And he smiles. He is proud of how she has grown. She notices his look and internally grimaces towards him. As if on cue, a metal banging is heard from one unique door in the corridor. It is thicker than the other doors and has two guards at the entrance. The metal banging continues. (Y/n) walks towards the guards with a glare still residing on her face and her chin held higher.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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