Chapter 3

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Both men continued on with their journey, quickly realizing how much of a mistake it was not bringing much food with them. Quackity had only brought a couple of peices of bread and a few apples, which had already been eaten throughout the night. "Hey, we're stopping off here and getting some food, I'm starving and after carrying you all night I need some energy." "Okay, I'm fine with that, but where do you plan on finding food?" By this point, they were walking across a vast, open field. No animals or trees had been seen for a while, so no sources of food were available. "Ugh I hate this I should've been more prepared." They carried on their journey for another half an hour, before foggy figures of an odd shape began to fade into their view. They both were confused but shared no words as they carried on approaching the funny shapes. As they got closer, they could see that the "funny shapes" were the buildings of a village, and both of their spirits lifted. They picked up their pace and headed further forward, towards the entrance. Both of their minds were imagining a hot, cooked meal so they were in complete shock when they saw barriers, and fences with signs that unknown visitors weren't allowed to be there, and that they'd be executed if found in the village. Kind of harsh, right? Quackity was looking at the fences, it was a special kind of wood that he had never seen before that surprised him a lot, but Dream didn't care. He was more curious as to why the people wanted to keep strangers out, but as soon as one of these residents stepped out of their house, Dream wasn't letting them stick about to find out. The person that stepped out, was an extremely tall woman, with scars and muscles that would leave even some bodybuilders surprised, and the blood on her cheeks was an obvious sign of aggression. Dream grabbed a hold of Quackity's wrist and dragged him away from the fence. "Hey! I was looking at that fence you green blob!"."One of the village residents stepped out. She looked like she could snap us in half with no effort, and those signs are literally written in blood. Sound friendly to you?" "No" Quackity mumbled out.   "Let's leave then, I'm already injured enough and you're too tired to fight, plus we only have one set of armor and tools." "That is true, cmon I think we can sneak around the back of here." Both men snuck around the back of the village, hiding behind the stone walls and ducking from the view of any window. Eventually, they reached the back of the village, able to gaze out far enough to see a forest that would help them in their journey more than they ever realized. The one problem they had, however, was that the woman had gone the same way they had, and there was zero way they'd be able to make it out without being seen. "I think we should just run for it, she might see us but we will have had a headstart, and we can find food in the forest!" "Dream wait if we're going to run for it shouldn't we take some food from here? They're going to catch us anyway and we're going to be exhausted from that run, so let's steal some food." "That's a pretty good idea actually," Dream sighed "how about some of those hay bales over there? It'd give us a lot of wheat." "Yeah, let's go for that." Once again, they snuck around the back of the village, having adjusted to the pattern the woman 'patrolled' the village. Once they reached the stack of hay bales Dream had seen, they began grabbing them and putting them in their inventories (don't ask me how that works I don't know either *dies* ) until they heard, what caused them a mini heart attack. "HEY, THEIVES! THIEVES STEALING OUR HAY BALES!" Both men shared a scared look, before starting to run towards the forest that had seen moments before, the giant woman right on their heels. Even though they were being chased and were in a pretty much, getaway or starve situation, they both laughed as they ran. Not having a care in the world who saw them together.

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