"How do you know this?" Alistar asked as he was pulling wires out of the car.

"I've worked with a lot of people who lock their keys in their cars." Sean said as he walked to the other side of the car to get into the passenger's seat, as soon as his door closed, they were speeding out of the parking garage and towards where they hoped Annya was being held.

"Shouldn't we check back at the hotel? Maybe she's still there." Sean suggested, letting his hope overshadow his worries, but Alistare shook his head.

"My sister was with her. And said Alexander was taking Annya for a drive to get her mind off of, uh..." he suggested with a smirk as he looked over at the large man beside him, and Sean couldn't help his own smile, but was then turned into a scowl, knowing she was taken by her own brother. He looked over to see Alistar with his own game face on as he kept swerving between cars until they reached a shopping mall.

"What now?" Sean asked, looking around.

"This car is too loud to sneak up to the house." Alistar said as he drove, looking around the parking deck until he saw the car he wanted. "Unlock it while I park." without another word, Sean jumped out and started working as Alistar sped off. As soon as he came running back to their new car, Sean was just about finished unlocking it as they smoothly traded sides.

Just like Alistar said, this other car was eerily silent, but still impressively fast. They kept driving for another hour before they went off into a side road and then a trail with tire prints.

"Where did you get the gun and silencer?" Alistar asked, not taking his eyes off the dirt road ahead of them.

"Annya." was all Sean had to say before Alistar nodded with a smile on his face.

"She never settled with her weaponry. Does she know you have it?"

"I can lie and say yes, or I can be honest and say no, and you can protect me from her wrath once we get her back." Sean said and the man laughed beside him. Once they were a good enough distance away, Alistar parked and they both silently got out, but made sure the doors were open for a quick getaway.

"Wait for a man to be out of the line of sight of the others around him to take your shot. No survivors. Are you up for it?" Alistar whispered, as they both looked at the house. Sean looked from Alistar to the house before taking a breath and nodding. The man looked at him for a second before also nodding.

"You go right, I go left, meet back here once you're done with them." with another nod from Sean, they both went their own way.

Sean expected it to be harder to pull the trigger, but he had to keep reminding himself that they knew Annya was there and that they turned a blind eye, knowing what her own brother was doing to her, probably even happy about it. He had a few left, when he saw Alestar sneak up beside him and take out the last two men.

"What now?" Sean asked.

"Walk through the front door." Alistar said with a shrug, then smiled when he saw Sean's wide eyes and open mouth.

"You just killed eight people, and this is your hang up?" Alistare joked.

"I don't like how comfortable you are about that." he mumbled as they walked to the front door.


After a second, the three locks clicked open and one of the guards came in with his gun drawn.

"You don't need that. I'm just losing circulation in my feet. I need the ties loosened." he didn't move. He just stood there weighing his options. She just waited for him, but knew he would eventually give in. he let out a sigh before he approached her, keeping his eyes glued to her, not noticing her legs weren't restrained until he was close enough to to get a strong blow to his nose, and while he was already down, she stood up and threw herself and the chair on him. Upon impact, the chair shattered and her arms were free. She took off the cloth from around her neck and placed it in his mouth, making sure it was too tight for him to move or make a sound before she hit him on the head hard enough to knock him out.

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