14- breaking point

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"Did you ever consider coming with me at all?" Without a word, Annya went into her room, coming back out with a piece of paper extended in her hand for Sean to take. She heard his breath hitch as he realized what he was looking at, taking out his Plane ticket to compare it with.

"But that would land you all the way in california." he stated, looking back up at her meeting her eyes were already on him.

"We couldn't land at the place without someone getting suspicious. Anyway, it's just a paper trail. I'll be sneaking onto the plane with you under another name."

"So you're coming" he said, with his voice and face lighting up in excitement.

"I don't know." she breathed as she saw his face fall a bit, surely seeing her torn expression, but hoped he wouldn't pick up on how much she wanted to go with him.

"Tomorrow morning" he said quietly to himself, looking at his ticket. "Will you have enough time to decide by then?" He looked back at her unsure face, seeing her conflicted expression and she was glad he thought it was because she was actually still trying to decide. She was about to tell him she could buy another ticket for a later date, but she didn't want him to wait for her. Instead, she pulled his mouth to hers by the back of his neck and he didn't resist. He breathed a sigh of contentment and relief as he pulled her closer to him. She couldn't look him in the eyes, so she just pulled her mouth back far enough to say what she knew would be misunderstood.

"I've already decided.'' She brought his face back to hers before he could say anything. She jumped in his arms wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her up. They started in the kitchen, then moved to the dining table, followed by the couch. By the time they made it to her bedroom, they both only had pants on. The rest of the night went by far too quickly.

Annya woke up with half of her lying on Sean's warm chest as one of his arms held her close. She tried to get up without waking him to avoid any further contact before his flight, but he woke up just enough to talk, but not enough to really be considered awake.

"Annya?" he mumbled. He tried looking at her, but wasn't able to open his eyes, which she was thankful for. If he were to see her tears, he would have known something was wrong and all her effort would have been for nothing.

"I'm just going back to Alex's room to pack my things and get everything sorted out. I'll see you on the plane?" she asked. She saw a tired smile spread across his face, as he reached for her. She leaned closer to him to peck his lips before she left the room, closing the door behind her. She looked at the rest of the hotel room. There were clothes thrown all over the room and things were knocked off of surfaces, reminding her of the blissful night before she ran out of the room, not letting herself think of him leaving. He would be mad, but that would make the separation easier on the both of them. She silently got dressed before going to knock on her brother's hotel room door, waiting for it to open.

"Fuck Anya. it's six in the fucking-" he stopped himself as he saw her red puffy face, straining to keep her sobs at bey, and he let her in without another word as he started up some tea. She lay on the couch, with silent tears flowing down her face like two gushing rivers.

"What happened?" Alex asked, as he placed down two cups of their mother's favorite tea.

"I convinced him to leave," Annya responded in quiet Russian.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Alex went along with their native language. With the Russian and the tea, it made them both feel like they did when they were children before they had to learn English for the job.

"You were right." she sat up, but held her knees to her chest as she looked down at the teacup burning her hands. She didn't need to be more specific for Alex to know what she was talking about, and he could tell she didn't want to admit her feelings for the American next door outloud. She was neve one to show her true emotions. She always hid them behind anger, happiness or just her excellent poker face.

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