16- for the love of a sister

Start from the beginning

"Sean" the name came out a panicked whisper, unintended to even pass her lips. She was hoping her uncle didn't find out about him, but another part of her assumed the worst. Alistare never really talked much, so she didn't know what side he would be on or how far he was willing to go. And then there was the chance that Sean didn't even board the plane at all.

She really hoped the moron didn't choose to stay, but what could they do about it now? She spent the next fifteen minutes silently cursing the boy before she got tired of waiting for nothing. She readjusted her ankles around the legs of her chair and called out the men she knew were on the other end of the door.

"HEY!" she called out, but there was no response

"JACKASSES!" Nothing


"UGHHH! WHAT! EVEN TIED UP, YOU'RE TOO BITCH TO EVEN COME IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME?!" She heard some shuffling and mumbling before three locks clicked. She smiled to herself. Nothing works better than insulting a man's ego. The door opened, and two men came though, guns in hand. She waited but they didn't say anything.

"I'm bored. Where are Tewwdle Dee and Tweedle Dumb?" Nothing.

"Do you at least have a game we could play or something?" Nothing.

"Are you guys trying to kill me out of boredom?" Nothing

"Fuck's sake. Can at least one of you keep me company?" They looked at each other and then back at Annya.

"Keep this shit up and you will be the first to die even if i have to go out of my way for it." still nothing.

"Listen. Honestly, you might as well knock me out at this point." She whined.

"NOTHING? SERIOUSLY?" Annya scoffed. "Make yourselves useful and find me someone that could at least talk, shit. Just go away." The guards looked at eachother again and walked out of the room, locking the door behind them. Now she knows who she would be up against first.

A short while passed before her brother walked in.

"What do you want, Alex?" Annya's voice was emotionless with a hint of boredom she wasn't able to hide.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Thomas and Russo said you were giving them a hard time?" his voice was almost brotherly, with an overtone of authority that kept her seething.

"I WAS GIVING THEM A HARD TIME? They just stood there like fucking armed MUTES not saying anything! I just asked for a game or company or something. Hell, I even asked them to knock me out. I'm bored, Alex. Unless that's a tactic of yours, I don't know what your men are good for.

"To keep you from running." He responded in an annoyed tone.

"Then what are the locks and ropes for?" she narrowed her eyes at him, challenging him.

"In case a prisoner tried to escape and the guards might not be there at the time." she rolled her eyes at his lie.

"No, brother. Those locks are new. They're shiny." she said it like it was obvious.

"They're waxed. You know how clean this house is." if she didn't know him as well as she did, she would have believed him.

"They're smooth" she was starting to get annoyed at how stupid he thought she was

"Oiled" he responded quickly. He was losing the game and they both knew it.

"Do you oil locks, Alex?" He didn't respond, narrowing her eyes at him. "You're being paranoid, Alex. What's on your mind? Sit brother. It's talk. Get our worries off our chests like we used to, remember?" she asked, her voice soft. He said nothing as he turned his back to her and walked out, head down in shame.

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