As she steps in, she looks at the time. Quickly, she finishes taking a hot shower and changes into her duty clothes, the blue uniform wrapped around her body fills her heart with pride. She cooks herself a couple of pancakes, and without wasting time, she leaves on her bike for work.

Driving through the streets of Enfield, her now-brushed hair, flies along with the wind. As she parks in front of the police station, she smiles at the two bobbies who stand outside to take guard. 

Her smile slowly fades away as she walks in and notices the familiar face of her boss, Aaron Shaw. As ever, his face has no absolute sign of any humane feelings, apart from a grumpy one. It would be safe to say that Lake doesn't think much of him. She knew this man ever since she was little, he was friends with her parents, and she had known his family rather closely. His wife and daughter were fantastic people to be with. On the contrary, Aaron Shaw was not just a mere spoilsport. He had always been an intimidating man— the kind kids would stay away from. Sometimes Lake would wonder how his daughter, Stella, loved him so much. It was weird to think that a man so ruthless could have an emotion as big as love. But there was no denying it. He loved his daughter with all his heart and could go to any extent to protect her. Any.

"Officer Butterfield, stand along with the others." He says, with no absolute emotions in his voice. 

"Sir." Lake nods, as professionalism takes over her childhood grudge for the man. She joins the other officers, standing beside a blonde woman, who looked about her age and seemed to have a very friendly personality. 

"Now, I need each one of you to introduce yourself one by one. As much as I hate wasting time for a round of introduction, it is a part of our procedure. Besides, we will be working with each other for months now, maybe even a year. Thus it is necessary for everybody to know each other. I am, as you know, Aaron Shaw, and I am in charge of this mission. Officer Butterfield, start with the introduction."

"Officer Lake Ari Butterfield, sir," Lake says, stomping her foot on the ground, her voice sharp and her head held up in pride.

"Officer Margot Miracle, sir." The blonde says.

"Officer Grace Eve Corbyn, sir."

"Officer Ken Garfield, sir."

"Officer Terrence Fletcher, sir."

"Officer Aldrich Owens, sir!" He says, rather too loud, his foot practically shaking the floor underneath.

"Now now, Owens, control your emotions, would you?" Shaw comments, his eyebrows raised.

"Sorry sir," Owens replies.

As Aaron Shaw nods, signaling the others to continue, a brunette speaks up.

"Officer Natasha Elton, sir."

"Officer Elixir Milburn, sir."

"Officer Purity Evans, sir."

"Officer Silvia Campbell, sir."

"Officer Chris Yates, sir."

"Officer Jean Walsh, sir."

"Officer Cameron Parker, sir."

"Officer Violet Quill, sir."

"Officer Trevor Smith, sir."

"Officer Augustus Cox, sir."

"Officer Mark Ford, sir."

"Officer Pearl Morgan, sir."

As the round of introduction finishes, everybody gathers around a table on the instructions of Aaron Shaw, and he starts explaining the details. Lake's heart pounds harshly against her chest, as she realises how important her position in the mission is. 

"And this," Shaw says, pointing to a small place in the map of Enfield, "is going to be our headquarters, officers."

Author's Note

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Author's Note

Ayoo! Hope you enjoyed the prologue! I am absolutely in love with Lake Butterfield and I am sure you will love her too <3 


Anywho, hope you stick till the end of my book. Ily 3000.

Vreha x

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