15- tight knit family

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Once the main area was closed off, she started pacing, thinking about all that has happened since the death of her parents, putting all the new pieces together and fitting them into the bigger picture. She didn't want to write anything out of risk of someone finding out she knew, so she tried to talk to herself silently, working everything out on her own.

She had a few open cases going for when she would hit a dead end in one, she can move to another to give her mind a reboot, but this time, she couldn't think about any other cases. She needed to know what was going on with her family. Her mind quickly went to Genevieve and how this would affect her. If Annya were to intrust her enough to take her with her, would she turn against her, or would her brother kill her if she stayed? There was just too many factors running around in her mind to think straight. She pinched the bridge of her nose to try to combat her headache as she went to get some water, hoping to give herself a break.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard her brother's knock on the door, and instinctively threw her cup in his direction, letting it shatter into pieces. He tried again, she responded the same way, watching the plate scatter along with the cup, letting them all meld together, not knowing what piece belonged to what item and the thought terrified her. She was lying when she told Sean she didn't get scared. The only thing that scared her was her ignorance.

She knows she's supposed to know something and yet she can't, leaving her vulnerable to an unknown threat, and the man outside her door is exactly that. Her brother knocked again, she listened to see if there was anyone else with him, but he was alone. He left for a while, she assumed to get another room key, and she was left in the deafening silence.

She took this time to gather all her weapons, keeping her favorite gun in hand attached to her best silencer, and her sharpest knife in the other. She was ready for a fight. She stood in the kitchen away from direct sight of the doorway, so she could see the intruder before he saw her. And just like that, the siblings were battling each other much like when they were children, still learning to fight, but now, they were both out for blood.

She listened intently into the hallway until she heard the knock she was looking for. One set of footsteps closing in on her room, followed by another knock, then silence. Suddenly there was a beep of the door, indicating that a keycard had been accepted.

As soon as her brother was in view, she shot, only catching part of his hair. His response was instant, he pulled out his own gun, pointing it at her direction, ready to shoot back. As soon as he saw that it was her, his eyes grew wide in surprise and confusion, but Annya didn't have the patience.

"Annya, put the gun down. Tell me what's going on." he slowly put his weapon on the floor, raising his hands above his head as he stood back up.

"What have you done, brother?" she asked. Her voice was quiet and controled, but deadly. He didn't respond. She cound tell he realized that she knew, but he still played stupid. Another shot landed by his pinkie toe, taking part of his leather shoe with it. She had always been an excellent shot, making her good for taunting, and Alex knew it. He also knew that her third shot always made contact, and right now, she isn't in the safest state of mind.

"ANYA, STOP IT!" she closed one eye, aiming for his head. She didn't need to close it, but she was always for the dramatics during a hunt. "Anya, Anya, listen to me. We can discuss this." she opened her eyes, tilting her head up with a smirk playing on her lips.

"Would you kill an unarmed man?" he asked, his voice wavering.

"You know I have." she responded smoothly.

"Would you kill your brother?" he tried again

"Would you your sister?" she was calm, the tidal waves of emotions have disappeared as she focused on one problem at a time. Sure she was hoping to save Alex for later in the game, but who is she to fight with the order of events?

AnastasiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin