Suyin Beifong

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Toph: Another one!?

Blacksheep: Also an Earthbender.

Toph: oh good.

Katara: Toph!

Toph: What?

Sokka: So Kanto has 2 kids with Toph?

Blacksheep: Only Lin.

Toph: Whose Su's father?

Blacksheep: *shrug* probably Sokka.

Sokka: WHAT

Aang: definitely a resemblance

Sokka: WHAT

Katara: What about Suki?!

Blacksheep: Dead. Married. I DONT KNOW!

Toph: why would Sokka be my kids dad?

Katara: Sometimes you- 

Blacksheep: We have had enough answers thanks!


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