ATLA Reacts

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Black sheep (that's me!) was strolling on a peaceful day in Ba Sing Se.

But then! She heard a noise! Voices!

"Toph! Stop being lazy and help!"

Black sheep knew that voice! It was Katara! And Toph! TeamAvatar must be here! Black sheep liked her life in Ba Sing Se, but she hated the way they were controlled. She hid her thoughts, but that didn't make her stop believing them. 

Then she had an idea.

What if she TALKED to them? Talked to Aang? And Katara? Ooooooh, Aang+Katara...

Stop it! Black sheep! She scolded herself. 

She walked up to the people she knew so well. She heard a lot about them. Her grandfather, was a cabbage merchant and met them time and time again. 

"Hey! Guys! I hear someone coming!" Toph exclaimed.

Oh no! How could she have forgotten about Toph? 

Suddenly, Aang appeared. 

"Its okay, Toph." He said. " I saw her standing up for a child the other day. Anyone ready to stand for what's right is welcome here." 

Black sheep blushed. She may or may not have had the biggest crush on the Avatar since she heard about him. But Katara was perfect for him. Plus Aangs not so subtle crush on her was totally adorable. 

"Hello? Are you okay? Hello?" Aang asked.

Black sheep tripped over her own foot and sat there and looked up at Aang and Toph and wanted to have said something super smart some thing like

"Hi! My name is Black sheep! I'm a big fan!"

But it came out more like 

"Hey um arrow er, cute"

"Someones heart just spiked." Toph smirked. "You called someone cute and I don't think you were referring to me"

"Hehehehhehehehehhehehehehe. I LIKE YOUR ARROW!!"

Whoa, that came out louder than she meant to.

Aang looked confused. 

"Ummmmmmm. I'm a big fan. My name is Black sheep. I wanted to ask some questions? My name is Black sheep. Hi. Did I say that before? Oops. Sorry. Did I? Did I mention I'm a fan?"

"I think a few times." Toph said, helping her up.

Later, Black sheep and TeamAvatar sat on the grass. 

"Whose ready for me to ask you some questions?"

ATLA reactsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora