Alcatraz have just finished eating his meal he was still thinking about the vampire's he killed are all vampire's evil and kill humans for their blood he shake It off he lays on the couch to take a nap until the AI went off

AI: detecting multiple contacts

Alcatraz got up from the couch thinking it more vampires here to kill him he looks out the window and multiple people with pale skin he notice thier eyes are golden but he notice a girl with red eyes he pulled up his mask and grabs the bolt sniper and goes out the back door and activate cloak

AI: cloak engaged

The cullens

The cullens have arrived where the human is they look around and see nothing thinking he inside

Rosalie: what are going do Carlisle

Carlisle: remember we are here to make peace with him

Jasper: and if we don't

Carlisle: we'll have to kill him

They go to the front door and Carlisle knocks on door and waits but no one come he knocks again but nothing

Carlisle: looks like here not here he may be still in the woods we'll try tomorrow

They began to leave but then Alice felt something on the left side her head

???: don't take another step

The rest trun around and see the human come to view like he was invisible

The rest trun around and see the human come to view like he was invisible

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???: some goes for all of you move and I'll blow her head off

They see the weapon in his hands it look different then a regular gun the weapon looked more advance

Alice was about knock the weapon out of his hand but she see Carlisle mouth do what he says she nodded and she sees the anger in Jasper face she mouth its ok

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Alice was about knock the weapon out of his hand but she see Carlisle mouth do what he says she nodded and she sees the anger in Jasper face she mouth its ok

Carlisle: look we are not here to be any trouble

???: and why should I trust you

Carlisle: because you think we are here to drink your blood but we don't drink human blood we are vegetarian and drink animal blood

???: what about her her eye's are red

Carlisle: because she a newborn her eyes will stay red for awhile

He lowered his weapon and nods his head to them making Alice knowing he telling her to stand next to them

???: alright why are you here

Carlisle: we want to know why are you hunting us

???: I'm not hunting your kind those other vampires attack me

Carlisle: will now we know that your not hunting us let's me introduce myself my name is Carlisle cullen this here is my family

???: nice to meet you Mr cullen name Alcatraz

Carlisle: same to you Alcatraz these are my three sons Edward Emmet and Jasper and my two daughters Alice and Rosalie and my daughter-in-law Bella

Alcatraz: hello

Emmet: yo dude how did you trun invisible

Alcatraz: that classified

Emmet: what about that weapon you got where did you get it

Alcatraz: that information is private Mr cullen

Rosalie: Emmet stop

Emmet: oh come on babe how can you not get excited when you see someone who can trun invisible and having a badass weapon

Rosalie: i don't trust him because he a danger to all of us

Alcatraz: I'm not threat to you if I see you as threat

Rosalie: how do we know your tell the entire world about us

Alcatraz: I will if I have to for the safe of Humanity but I'm not going to

Bella: how do we know your not lying

Alcatraz: I'm not

Carlisle: Mr Alcatraz I have a question

Alcatraz: yes

Carlisle: how were you able to defeat those vampires it's impossible for a human to defeat a vampire

Alcatraz: I'm a soldier I just fought and defeat them

Edward: lies

Alcatraz: excuse me

Edward: no human can defeat our kind you are something else how are you able to go invisible

Alcatraz: fine I'll tell you this I'm half human half something elsa and half I don't know

The cullens were shocked that Alcatraz is half human and half of two different species

Alcatraz: now since your are not here to kill me how about we go are Separate Ways

Carlisle: thank you Alcatraz for making peace with us and here a warning the volturi coven may come after you since you know about us

Alcatraz: thanks for the warning

Carlisle: will we'll go now

The cullens leave Alcatraz cabin and head home finally making peace for Alcatraz but they are wondering how was he able to go invisible where do you get that weapon

To be continue

Crysis Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Crysis x Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now