chapter 1

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Alcatraz just jump in the ceph hive knowing this would kill him but his sacrifice would save millions of lives but it didn't it actually teleports him into a different world now he has a new journey

Now Alcatraz is laying on the ground unconscious his eyes open he looks around he sees in some woods he gets up he sees his hands with black fingerless gloves he sees he wearing a black jacket a black shirt black pants and black combat boots
He confused what happen to his nanosuit was it destroyed he also confused how is he alive then vision starter become staticy he sees suit rebooting and he hears the AI voice

AI: primary systems re-routed cleared to proceed

That shock Alcatraz how did he hear the AI voice if he not wearing the nanosuit he touch his skin and he felt metal under it then a screen about his body showing him that the suit has faze into his skin

AI: Suit has faze into user skin allowing user to use the nanosuit abilities in a human form

Alcatraz was shocked that he can use the nanosuit abilities in a human form and he knows that he not human anymore he now a nanosuit cyborg he walks around the woods he noticed something he sees all of his ceph weapons he collected he grabs them he continued he walk until he heard something he investigate he sees a girl in a blue dress tackled a mountain lion and bite it neck Alcatraz is shocked did she just bite it neck why she gets off the mountain lion Alcatraz got a good at her eyes they were blood red color she was about to leave until the wind blew and she sniffed the air Alcatraz was confused why is she sniffing the air until she looks him in his holding spot she starts walking to him Alcatraz know that she will see him so he activate cloak

AI: cloak engaged

He stays still she walks pass him and looking around she makes a growl and run away fast like really fast

Alcatraz: what the hell

He uncloaks now shocked how was she able to run that fast he'll find out later he walks away from that location After walking for like hours the sun is already down he find an old cabin knowing it a good place to stay he goes inside he puts his weapons on table he lays on the couch and fells asleep

The next day Alcatraz wake up from his sleep he gets up and looks out the window and see it morning he goes outside and walks deep into the woods he finds a gas station he goes as inside as the cashier looks at him

Cashier: hello can I help you

Alcatraz: yes can you tell me where the nearest town is

Cashier: there a town called forks not to far from here

Alcatraz: oh thank you

Cashier: your welcome have i nice a day

Before Alcatraz can leave the door guy came in with mask on and had a gun

Robber: nobody move

AI: threat detected

Alcatraz stands there as the cashier hides the Robber looks at Alcatraz and pointed a gun at him

Robber: look here man let's make this easy just give me all of your money and you can walk away ok

Alcatraz: look here buddy this is what you do for a living robbing gas station you can't just get a job how about this you can just leave unharmed or your gonna get hurt

Alcatraz started walking to him

Robber: hey get back

Alcatraz gets closer

Robber: I said get back

Alcatraz gets closer he pulled the trigger as Alcatraz activate maximum armor

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