chapter 2

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(This chapter may be short)

It been same time after Alcatraz killed those vampires he been doing some research about them he find out they are immortal being with increase strong and speed Alcatraz finds out they don't need sleep and eat they need to feed on blood he knows now those vampires they wanted to drink his blood for food but Alcatraz knows he still have ceph DNA in him right now Alcatraz is in the woods hunting animal for food with a crossbow he created

It been same time after Alcatraz killed those vampires he been doing some research about them he find out they are immortal being with increase strong and speed Alcatraz finds out they don't need sleep and eat they need to feed on blood he knows n...

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He searches around for an animal he sounds of an dear he sees one eating the grass he aims the bow to it head he let's go of the arrow as hit in the head as is As the deer dropped on the ground dead he goes to the body grabs the arrow out it head and puts the body in a bed made out of sticks and takes it back to his cabin with a rope


Alice is hunting for animal she finds a dear and gets ready to pounce it but as soon she was about attack a arrow hits the dear in the head Alice was shocked and mad that's a human stolen her meal as soon she was about to leave the person came she sees a man wearing a black leather jacket a black shirt black pants and black combat boots and wearing a mask with a crossbow in his hands
She gasped as she remembers it the same man she had in her vision she sees him taking the arrow out of the dear head and carries the body with a wooden bed she followed him to an old cabin that not to far from her house she runs back to her house and runs in the living room as everyone look at her

Emmet: Alice back from your hunt

Alice: yes and no Emmet I was hunting for animal until it was killed by the human I saw in my vision

Rosalie: wait you the human that is killing our kind

Alice: yes Rosalie and I know where he is

Edward: where is he Alice so I can rip his throat out before he finds us

Carlisle: no Edward we are not going to Kill him until we find out why isnhe hunting our kind

Edward: Carlise this human is a threat to us like you said the government will come after us if he tells the world about us

Carlisle: I know Edward but he may be hunting for a good reason if we can tell him that we are not a threat to him we can make peace with him

Belle: but Carlisle how can we trust him

Carlisle: we'll tell him we only feed on animal

Edward: fine

Carlisle: where is he Alice

Alice: at the old cabin not to far from here

Esme: I'll stay here and watch renesmee please be safe and come back alive

Carlisle: I will

He gives her a quick kiss and they leave for the search of the human


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