Hands all over me

Start from the beginning

'That looks like too much fun,' Thad admitted, unbuttoning his own shirt to much whooping. He twirled it over his head before throwing it to the ground, joining David in his dance. He, too, had a rather appealing body, and Kurt felt as though he was in some sort of heaven. More water was thrown onto the two boys, the sun lighting up the liquid, highlighting their muscles. David was a lot more muscled than Thad - but the latter was lean and had a very nicely defined V which jutted from his hips.

Soon, the shirtless dancing was too tempting for the rest of the boys, and one by one, they all started removing their shirts, singing and dancing rather sexily. Kurt, though his shirt stayed on his body, could not keep his eyes off the boys, who seemed to know - but not care - that he was staring. They made exaggerated gestures in his direction, beckoning him suggestively, throwing him winks and kisses. He felt himself begin to colour. Blaine stood off to the side a little, glaring at the Warblers.

Well, he thought angrily, watching as the Warblers turned their attention to each other, jokingly dancing with each other as someonein the group with a seemingly limited supply of water kept throwing more of the icy liquid at them, if Kurt likes shirtless guys, then Blaine is taking it off too.

He settled for watching the Warblers mess around for now, scheming. Kurt was still staring, looking incredibly pleased, the colour still high in his cheeks. He forced the jealousy down and tried to focus on his plan.

Kurt wouldn't know what hit him.


'So, Kurt, I was wondering... do you think you could help me practice for the performance?' Blaine asked him later that day, his voice shaking slightly. Kurt looked up from the issue of Vogue he was flipping through and looked at him suspiciously.

'You seemed to do fine in rehearsal today, you hit the notes perfectly,' he commented, 'what do you need help with?'

'Just the dancing part,' Blaine shrugged, trying to make it seem offhand, 'I don't really, you know, get it. That's why I didn't join in today.'

'You didn't?' Kurt asked, before remembering he hadn't seen Blaine dancing with the Warblers at all, 'oh yeah, you didn't. Yeah, sure, I can help you if you want.'

Truthfully, Kurt felt his stomach bubble with excitement at the thought of him and Blaine practicing by themselves. He tried to shake the thought from his mind as Blaine grinned at him.

'Do you want to go now? I'm pretty sure the choir room is free.' Blaine told him, standing up. They were in the commons and the choir room wasn't too far away - also, the door locked, which would give them some privacy. Kurt smiled.

'Sure, why not?'

'So, what exactly do you need help with?' Kurt asked, sitting on one of the couches. Blaine shut the door behind them and turned to Kurt.

'Do you mind if I lock this?' he asked, 'I'd rather someone didn't walk in on me making a fool out of myself.'

Kurt nodded and Blaine turned again, grinning to himself as he locked the door. When he turned around, Kurt was standing up, looking at him expectantly.

'I don't get how to do the hip thing,' Blaine told him, completely untruthfully. He hated lying, especially to Kurt, but if this went well, the lie would completely pay off. Kurt laughed.

'It's not too hard,' he told Blaine, demonstrating, 'you just... move.'

Blaine played dumb, moving his hips awkwardly. Kurt sighed.

'Not like that,' he tutted, 'like this.'

He showed him again, moving his hips fluidly. Blaine resisted the urge to lick his lips. He tried to copy Kurt, again failing on purpose. Kurt pursed his lips, walking over to him.

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