Kurt Hummel

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Half the Warblers were lying comfortably in Kurt's room on Tuesday night. While Nick, Jeff, Wes, and David were playing video games, Kurt, Blaine, Seth, Rachel, and Mercedes were spread across Kurt's bed and desk finishing up their homework. Mercedes breathed out heavily as she shut her textbook close. "Finally done with that. Now, what else did I have for homework?" she asked herself aloud. Rachel glanced up at her and asked, "Did you find a song for Schuester's assignment?" Kurt looked up from his calculus homework and asked, "What's your assignment this week?" Both girls groaned. "Sexy." This caught the attention all the Warblers in the room, including the ones who were playing video games. Everyone turned to stare at the two girls, who stared back at them.

Kurt raised an eyebrow at them and asked, "Why?" Rachel rolled her eyes and said, "According to him, New Directions knows nothing about sex. Which is completely untrue because my dads give me the sex talk like every month!" Mercedes groaned. "And I usually end up having to listen to it too."

"That's because you go to my house a lot."

"Not even!"

"Psh, you practically live there!"

"Okay fine! It's not my fault your house is comfy!"


Blaine laughed at the two girls as the Warblers who were playing video games paused the game and moved over so that they were closer to Kurt's bed. "So you guys are doing songs that are 'sexy'?" Rachel shrugged. "Who knows?" Wes and David glanced at each other with a mad glint in their eyes and looked at Blaine. Blaine noticed their glance and gave a mad glint of his own. "Looks like the Warblers are going to get sexified!" he said as he rushed out of the room with the two head Warblers.

Nick looked after them and suddenly had a thought. "Hey, Britney Spears is sexy! Maybe I can convince them to do a Britney Spears number! Come on Jeff! Help me convince them!" He dragged an unwilling Jeff out of the room after the other three males. Seth sighed as he closed his textbook and picked it up. "I'll go make sure they don't break something again." He kissed Rachel, Mercedes, and Kurt each on the cheek before heading out of the room.

Kurt raised an eyebrow, while Mercedes and Rachel laughed, all three of them used to the Warblers' crazy antics. "Aren't you going to help them out?" asked Mercedes with a giggle. Kurt shook his head with a smirk and said, "Nah, I'm already sexy enough. I don't need to get even more sexified." Rachel grinned as she whacked his shoulder lightly. "I think going to Dalton is turning you too cocky." Kurt just grinned back at her, as she and Mercedes suddenly shared sly smirks.

"The Warblers haven't seen your ultra sexy side, though, have they?" asked Rachel.


"Then 'Cedes and I have a proposition for you."

"Oh, and what would that be?" Kurt asked curiously.

"You have to act like you know nothing about sex or being sexy for the entire week," said Mercedes.

"What do I get out of this when I win?"

"I'll get you that new Marc Jacobs washed leather jacket," said Rachel.

Kurt gave them a wicked smile. "You're on. One week. No sexiness. Then I get my leather jacket."

"Alright. Starting today. And no telling anyone about this too."





They looked at each other and burst out laughing. Rachel and Kurt returned to doing their homework, while Mercedes got up and looked at Kurt's CDs trying to get inspiration for a song to use for her assignment. She picked up a Christina Aguilera CD and looked at the songs. "Do you think Christina's 'Dirty' would be a good song to use?" she called out loud to them. Kurt thought for a second and said, "It's sexy enough for you, babe." Rachel smirked. "Let your inner diva soar with those notes." Mercedes grinned at them and said, "Help me practice," as she shut the door of Kurt's room. The other two nodded at her, closing their books and Mercedes putting in the CD. They grinned at each other as the beginning notes played and Kurt opened his mouth to sing the intro words.

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