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*Some days later* (like three)

Will Rikers' pov

Deanna and I were in Ten Forward, talking.

"Where will she be staying?" I asked, taking a drink of my water.

Deanna smiled softly "With me, well- that is if she wants to. Who knows, maybe she will want her own quarters."

I sighed softly "Alright."

"What else should I know about her?"

She smiled "She looks up to you, she knows what kind of person you are, and she tries to be like you."

I smiled "But she should be herself too."

She nods "She knows that, but her whole personality is based on yours even before she knew you were her father."

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded.


"Some personalities are hereditary, so she's been a very loyal and honest, loving person since she started walking." She said. (This is true, personalities are 30-60% hereditary. You learn something new every day huh?)

"Which must have been a sight."

She smiled widely.

"I was very happy when she started walking, I was so proud of her, especially when she started talking."

"She was a late walker but an early talker."

I smiled softly.

"She spoke early before she started walking?"

She nodded "We Betazoids consider telepathy as talking."

"When did she start using telepathy?" I asked.

"When she was a year old, that's very early, considering Betazoid standards."

"How old were you?"

"My mother told me I learned how to use telepathy when I was 3 years old."

"Wow." I smiled.

Captain Picard walked up to us.

"Captain, is there anything you need?"

"No," He smiled softly before turning to Deanna "I just wanted to let you know I have looked over y/n's record 3 times and it still surprises me."

She smiled "Anything else, Captain?"

I motioned him to sit down, and he sat down.

"She's a very fine officer, she's been educated in many areas." He said, with a smile on his face.

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"Engineering, Medicine, Flight Control, Beam Technology, Communications, Command and Control, Tactical Analysis, and many others." He stopped for a second to take a breath.

"Usually Starfleet doesn't let people do that, but they saw potential in her and they let her take all of those courses and she passed them all." He finished.

Deanna was smiling widely.

"She's passed every course she was put in and more." She said.

"I'll say, she's a smart young woman."

I smiled "That's what I've heard too."

"She likes to... challenge herself, she strives to do more, she's been like that since she was young." Deanna said and smiled.

The Captain smiled "She's very smart, she passed her every test, I've read that her IQ is 174." (That's actually crazy high lol.)

"I have every intention to accept her transfer request." He said and got up.

"Thank you both." He said and left.

I smiled at Deanna.

"He seems excited to meet her."

She smiles "I'm just excited to see her again, it's been a long time since I've seen her."

"More like 5 years." I said and she nodded.

"It's been a while."

"I'm excited to meet her too, Deanna, she sounds like a great person."

She smiled and reached her hand across the table, and I reached mine across and held her hand.

"Deanna, I've told you this many times but I will say it again, if I had known, I would've tried to be a better father than mine was." I said honestly.

She sighed "I know you would've Will, I wanted to tell you, I did, but something always got in the way."

"I'm sorry." She said sincerely.

I smiled softly "It's alright Deanna."

"I'm happy you told me, and I'm happy that I'm able to meet her." I squeezed her hand.

She smiled.

"She'll be here in four days."

I smiled.

"Should we throw her a party?"

She giggled "Yes, let's do that."

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