"Where is her father?" Asked Nolan. "Her mother was one who could actually give birth without any men." Explained Hugo. "So, you're saying she's an orphan?" Asked Percy, who had clear concern in his voice. "No, not necessarily, she still has all of her siblings," Explained Hugo. "unless The Beast killed them all."

"Well, I haven't seen any of them except that little green guy who somehow got away from me when I went on a fuckin massacre on the Skarloey Railway." Said a familiar voice. Everyone was utterly shocked when they saw who was talking, it was Anthony who was with Donald in tow.

"What the hell? I thought you were dead!" Screamed Thomas. "If you wanna know how I somehow got away with surviving, I'll tell you another time." Said Anthony.

"If any of you were wondering if any of you besides The Beast killed any of us then no. We aren't vulnerable enough to be killed by guns. " Said Hugo.

"Also, why on earth do you call us like Number 1 or 6 or 11 or The Beast?" Asked Joesph.

"Because it sounds professional, my good sir." Said Hugo.

"Also, can one of yee tell me where Dougie is?" Asked a stern Donald.

"Now now, settle down Number 9, Any further questions will be answered by our leader." Said Hugo.

"Hey uhh, Donald, I know where your brother is." Whispered Joesph. "Where is he?" Asked the Scottish engine.

"Uhhhh, I'll explain after." Said Joesph.


March 8, 1995 - 10:13 AM

We just found out that these things have taken our friends hostage who 'said enemy' had their general named Hugo calm them down.

They answered some of our questions, they was mainly about how where our friends were and about what they are and where they came from.

We also learned that the hybrid ,which we can now officially call a Yurei, had lost her mother.
I guess Thomas wasn't thinking that parenting wouldn't even be so bad.

However, it also turns out that Anthony and Donald survived the explosion somehow. Anthony won't explain how they survived, but he promises to eventually tell us the whole story. Donald asked them if he knew where Douglas was and Joesph wanted to tell him after we were finished with a conversation with the leader.

We were taken to the leader who was an anthropomorphic dragon who explained that their civilization had existed during an era that was long before humans. They attempted to stay hidden for a couple million years as humans continuously evolved and constantly attacked the creatures.

It was then the very end of 1994, they began to plant flowers that spread the fog all over Russia to give themselves a bit of protection. After they realized what they had done, they tried to make an antidote. I realized that the only reason they appeared hostile was because of corrupted government and military. They had been trying to stop what they created and were very clear to help building and upgrading society. I was even surprised when Anthony and Joesph decided to lay down their weapons and call a truce with the animals.

Their final act was to host a parade that would represent peace to coexist with humans. My colleagues and I decided to ask the engines what they thought we should do after putting the pieces together. During the debate, Joesph revealed to Donald that he and Anthony had taken Douglas to a research facility on the mainland to run some tests to find a cure for the virus. The two eventually made it up to Donald to each, after a very brutal fight that was both verbal and physical.

Hugo then came up to me and asked if someone by the name of Linda was looking for me, sure enough my dear wife and sons ran up to me and I embraced all of them in a deep hug.

Eventually, after some thinking we decided to say yes. We were all invited in leading the parade as well as many other of the creatures that had settled in other countries or continents such as Africa, Antarctica, and Japan.


March 8, 1995 - 12:09 PM

We are on our way yet I can barely hear over all this chanting and music.

We got a call from the military. Marcus Norton says he and the military generals were calling off the attack. Nolan revealed he had recorded all of what we saw in he ironworks and reported that video to Marcus.

We just got to Vicarstown with all the engines leading with pride, even the ones who were damaged.

I'm hoping that this change would be for the better.

September 23, 2000 - 5:10 PM

I can't believe I've forgotten about this journal for this long. Anyways, it's been over 5 years since the events I went wrote down happened in the first place.

Leaders from across the world have met with the anthropomorphic settlers and after 2 years of agreement, the new era of humans and anthros living together in harmony was in full swing.

These animal like creatures have coexisted with us for a good long while and have already accomplished many achievements. They've already assisted humans in figuring out how to create new inventions, build schools for both humans and animals, build a habitable city in the Arctic without damaging the environment, assist in cleaning up the oceans, and have even reproduced with humans themselves!

As to finish off the events that have gone down, a large charity has been set up that funded enough to rebuild what was destroyed. Some of the money from the military on Sodor funded enough to help cover all of the costs for the damage.

Thomas, Owen and Marty have gotten used to being fathers. The pink Yurei stays with Thomas most of the time. Thomas decided to name his own kid Kyra, she has been learning English, Spanish and a pretty good British accent. She's even trying to assist me, Nolan, and most of my other colleagues on the Ffarquar branch sometimes.

The engines and military soldiers who were held hostage were repaired and fully recovered without much trouble.

Dean and the rest of the engines from British Railways went back to their original owners. However, Anthony ny was permitted to stay on Sodor to work at a recently constructed facility operated by the Sudrian military.

As for the company who tested on Joesph and Douglas, they were actually praised for their work even after an actual cure was discovered in late-July 1998.

Once that cure was discovered, it was immediately given to Douglas, Porter, Cranky and anyone else who had been infected, I gotta say that was the most thankful I've ever seen Donald.

Many people are grateful for these species arrival, even if it was unexpected and unpleasant, as they have benefited mankind for the better.

Percy and I are currently on our last mail train for the day as we are delivering this to some new coworkers of mine, one of which is known as an Ikran (half bird, half cat anthro) named Spin.

The beginning of 1995 wasn't the best time for Sodor, but it did spark an era that will be sure to continue on for generations to come.

The End

The Mist - Thomas and Friends AU (ANOTHER REWRITE COMING NOT SOON)Where stories live. Discover now